Chapter 11 Part 2

Start from the beginning


Cam's POV:

"Take the next left than head straight." I directed Emi on Lyoko. After Alexei and Kya were devirtized, Emi was defenseless. We've been playing a game of keep away from Xana's monsters. The labyrinth has worked to our advantage to keep Emi safe. "Not that left, you other left."

"Have you found away to save Alexei and Kya." Emi asked. The purple arrow on the screen indicated Emi had stopped moving. Everyone has a specific color that indicates which person is where on Lyoko. Kya's is white and Alexei's is yellow; neither of them are on the screen. Further evidence that they're not where they should be on Lyoko. 

"We'll have to collect their digital data from Sector 5. Once we have that, I can begin the retrieval process." Another reason Emi can't leave Sector 5. She needs to access the data terminal from the Celestial Dome to retrieve Kya and Alexei's digital data. 

The elevator doors opened, signaling the arrival of Lynn. "What's the situation?" Dripping sweat he came to stand beside me, watching the monitor. 

"They were ambushed and devirtized." I relayed the events that led to Kya and Alexei's current state. "The goal is to get Emi to the Celestial Dome, protect her while she accesses the data we need to save the others, than escort her to a Way Tower for remartiaziation."

"Simple." Lynn let out a sigh. "Let's get this over with. Don't know how much longer Emi will last in Sector 5 alone."

He entered the elevator to make his way to the scanners. Once inside, I began the virtizlation process. "Transfer Lynn, Scanner Lynn, Virtzation!" 


Mr. C had one final stop than he'd be done his rounds. When the fire alarm went off, the students from detention should've returned to their dorms. Couldn't let things be, he was instructed to account for each and every student to make sure they'd returned. Those who hadn't were given an extra day of detention. So far three had been caught roaming campus instead of being in their dorms. The last stop of the day was Lynn. Mr. C had saved him for last since Lynn was grounded, the kid would have to spend the remainder of the night in the dorms regardless.

"Come in." Avery's voice sounded from inside the dorm. Mr. C opened the door to find the teen alone watching sports voices on his phone. Scanning the room, he noticed that Lynn's side of the room didn't appear to have been used since that morning.

"Where's your roommate?" The nurse questioned.

Avery answered with a shrug. "Don't know, don't care."

Mr. C pinched the bridge of his nose. Nothing was ever easy, now he'd have to search for the kid. Honestly, he didn't mind Lynn and his friends. They, mostly Alexei, might cause trouble every once and a while, but what kid didn't? He remembered his days at Kanna with his brother, they'd sneak out and pull pranks all the time. Lynn sneaking back late was the least of his concerns. 

Lynn and Kya weren't as sneaky as they thought. There were several times Mr. C noticed the duo not in their dorms or sneaky back late. Not that he was actively looking for them. He'd seen them from a far, but since they'd never directly crossed his path he left them be. Truthfully, if he hadn't ran into Lynn the other night he would've let him go. 

Whatever they were sneaky around for must've been for a good reason. Not that he wanted to know. As long as they weren't in danger or causing trouble, he'd let them be. Well they also needed to not be caught. Like now.

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