"Oka-AY! Stop that! Killer-! FUCK- STOP!" Cross's struggling doubled, his legs kicking. Killer ignored him, dragging his teeth over Cross's collarbone. "KILLER!" Cross growled, thrashing wildly. "Calm down, Cross."

"NO! THIS IS ASSAULT! STOP IT!" Killer snorted, "If you really wanted me to stop, you would've stabbed me, or teleported away. Now hold still." Cross groaned, rag-dolling. "Fine. But this is the last time I let you do this." Killer smugly kissed his cheek, snickering. "You say that every time."


Killer is horny lmfao


Horror frowned at his reflection, a nasty taste on his tongue. It felt wrong. He reached up with shaking fingers, prodding at his head wound with a scowl. It was wrong. He glared at his shaking hands, scrutinizing the brittle bones. It was wrong. His single working eye, and the other broken one. Wrong. Easily breaking bones, feet turned unnaturally, spine hunched, shoulders drooping, yellowed teeth, shadowed sockets, chalky features.

His scowl wobbled at the edges, Horror gritting his teeth against the burn in his sockets. Growling, he shook his head and shed his jacket and shirt. His weak magic sparked, ecto filling out. Thin, like he'd stretched a red tarp across his bones. Even with the pseudo flesh, his ribs were still visible. He turned around, peering at the ridges along his back. Like his ribs, Horror's spine was easily seen. His glare went south, sharpening. Flat. Completely flat. There was no difference between with ecto and without.

He forced his magic to change shapes, male ecto shifting into female. Still flat. Still thin. Still broken. Still wrong. Desperate, he gathered his magic, willing his fake flesh to swell. Nothing happened. Frustrated and upset, Horror snatched his jacket and shirt, yanking them back on. He zipped his jacket up and pulling his hood on, giving the mirror a brief glance. He felt horrible. Ugly. Hands fisting, he left the bathroom and returned with a blanket. A few bones later, the mirror was completely covered. A brief smile flashed on his face. That was better. Now he wouldn't have to see himself.


It wasn't long before someone noticed what he'd done with the mirror. Cross was the first one to find out. "Horror, what's with the blanket?? Did you break the mirror? I can fix it if you did-" Horror grunted in response, cutting him off with a glare. "Mirror's fine. 's none of yer business." He left Cross in the living room, pushing past Killer.

Killer was the next to ask about it. "Dude, what's up with that blanket? The one Cross was askin' ya 'bout." Horror shook his head, sighing. "Told him it's nothin', and 'm telling you the same thing." Killer tried to persist, but he backed down at Horror's growl.

Dust found him in the kitchen, cooking. "Hey." Horror blinked his way, pausing a moment. "Whatcha need? Food's almost done." Dust nodded, eye's bright with curiosity. "Horror, how come you got a blanket on yer mirror?" Horror groaned, his motions becoming aggressive. "It's nothin', Dust." He muttered angrily, throwing all his focus on the meal before him. He winced as he managed to get a glimpse of his hands, his fingers tightening on the wooden ladle. He shut his eyes, sighing heavily. "Yer distractin' me." Dust left.

Nightmare tracked him down after dinner, catching him in the living room. "Horror." The broken skeleton whined loudly, already knowing what Nightmare was there for. "Listen, I jus' wanted to put it over the mirror, that's it. Stop botherin' me about it!" Nightmare's gaze narrowed, his voice stern. "Are you sure that's all there is?" Horror nodded, visibly annoyed.

He was cornered later. Dust and Killer caught him leaving the kitchen, and took him to the living room, where Cross and Nightmare were talking quietly. They looked up when they came in, their gazes making Horror squirm. One firm demand from Nightmare, and Horror broke. "Fine. I jus' don't like lookin'." Cross blinked, confused. "Looking at what?"

Horror averted his gaze, "At me."


and then he got therapy.

also, there was supposed to be a part where he mentions that he'd been trying to change his body shape, but i didn't get to it, lol

anyways, onto the next part!


Nightmare woke up with a sharp gasp, frantically looking around, breathing out Cross's name in panic. "C-Cross?!" The mattress shifted, a familiar voice soothing the invisible hackles. "I'm here, boss." He turned over in bed, throwing himself into Cross with a shaken sound. He hugged him almost desperately, sobbing into the monochrome's chest. Cross smoothed his hand over Nightmare's skull, shushing him quietly. "It's okay. I'm here." Nightmare whimpered, his tentacles curling around both him and Cross, a few stray others curling and thrashing in distress. "Please don't leave me."

Cross's hand paused for a moment, his soul twisting painfully at the soft plea. He smiled, the grin drooping slightly with sympathy. "I won't. I promise." His promise fell on deaf ears, the king repeating the phrase over and over, begging Cross to stay. "I don't want to be alone again, please, Cross, please don't leave me, I-" His voice trailed off into weak crying. Chest aching, Cross held Nightmare tighter, carefully moving him so that they were laying down. It hurt to see Nightmare hiding against Cross, but it couldn't be helped.

So, he did what he could, whispering his own chant to Nightmare, promising over and over that he wouldn't leave. "I'm here, love. I'm not going anywhere."


nightmare has nightmares sometimes. Cross sleeps nearby so that he can help when it happens.

anyways thats all! also, i accidentally posted this a bit early, but this time, i did it right. uvu, hope you like it!

thanks for reading!

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