Chapter 22

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Emily's POV

"Isabelle, I swear, if you do it again I will kick your tiny little ass."
"Wow, I'm shitting my pants."
"Don't swear, I'm the adult here, you have to do what I say." I almost whine,
"Don't cry, Alpha." She says in a sing song voice,
"I will send you back to the damn orphanage." I threaten, she smirks at me,
"Fight me." She teases dropping another plate. I let out a growl, "Watch your temper, Alpha. You're changing." She smiles knowingly, I let out a frustrated growl and walk away.
'Jasmine, get down here and deal with that devil spawn child before I rip heads off of shoulders.'
'You should go to anger management classes or something.' She replies through the link,
'I see a cook who looks like he'd be a great target.'
'Okay, I'm on my way.' I smell her scent just before she arrives and I am instantly calm, she kisses my cheek and walks past me to where Isabelle is, me following close behind her. Isabelle comes into vision and she's sweeping the floor,
"Wait. What's happening right now?" I ask,
"I'm cleaning your mess." She says,
"What's wrong, babe?" Jas says to me as she wraps her arms around my waist to keep me away from Isabelle, I growl in defeat.
"I will end you, Lucifer." I say, I hear her laugh as I walk away.

"Hey Em, what's up?" Ben asks as I enter the games room,
"Have you even left here since we moved in?" I ask,
"No, not really." I nod at him,
"And you still have a mate?" I ask hopefully,
"Yes, and stop wishing because it's not happening." I put my hands up in surrender and go to the couch where Nate and Jake are playing some racing games,
"And you two?" I ask,
"This is my first time in here." Nate says, pressing buttons furiously,
"Hmm. Oh, yeah, me too."
"Bullshit." I say, but I get no reply. I sigh,
'I'm bored.'
'And I should do what exactly?' Lily replies,
'I don't know, you're the smart one.'
'Do your work.' She says,
'Ew. Lupus?' I ask, I'm pretty sure he can hear me,
'Yo?' He says,
'What can I do?' I ask,
'Dunno, rob a bank or something.'
'Serously? Goodbye.' I say blocking out both of them.
"Okay, well, it's been fun, but I'm leaving." No one responds so I nod to my self and walk away, I get in the elevator and go to the to the ground to see what's up with anyone and have a look around. I walk out side and it's completely deserted the big yard is empty with balls, frisbee a and other stuff that the guys play with, on my left is a garden, I walk through the doorway and around the corner and look around, a few benches scattered around and a fountain in the middle. Spread through the tall trees and the bushes are hundreds of fairy lights, which should turn on soon because the sun is starting to set. I take a deep breath and relax, my body pops and cracks into the shape of my wolf, I lay down and stretch out my legs and roll onto my back. A sort of calmness washes over me as I relax in wolf form, the last time I shifted was when we went on the hunt and that was like two weeks ago or something. I hear footsteps behind me, I sniff and get an idea. I hide behind a bush and wait, Jasmine walks past and I pounce on her, she dodges me and shifts into her white wolf, I jump on her back and nip at her neck playfully, she rolls over and pins me to the ground and nuzzles into my neck, I shift and hug her tightly, her fluffy fur tickling my face, she chuckles at me which sounds funny in wolf form. Jas shifts on top of me and starts to kiss my neck, I accidentally let out a moan of sorts and she cracks up laughing,
"It's not funny!" I yell at her,
"It really is though." I glare at her,
"If you laugh when we have sex then I will end you." I say, this comment shuts her up.
"When?" She asks,
"I'm not staying a virgin forever you know." Jas is blushing furiously now and looks at the ground, it's absolutely adoralbe.
"Oh, um, okay." She says quietly, I giggle at her which is not something I would usually do. I rest my head on her stomach and look up at the stars mixed in with the small white lights hanging from the tree tops.
"I love you." I smile at her and reply,
"I love you too."


I know it's been a while so I'm uploading two chapters today.

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