Chapter 6

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"Ben! Get you skinny, little ass here, now!" I yell,

"What?" he says as he comes down the stairs,

"Who's Riley?" I ask,

"Did she tell you already?"

"No, I was listening to the whole thing."

"How? We were speaking through the mind link?" he says,

"I have no idea, I was curious to why she wasn't replying and I just heard."

"That's fucked up."

"Hey! Anyway, who is Riley?"

"She's my mate."

"Holy fuck! Have you not been listening, I heard all that stuff."

"She's the Alpha's daughter, her and Emily used to be best friends, but when Emily first shifted when she was twelve Riley called her a freak and picked on her. Then Dad died and Em became Alpha, so Riley wanted to be friends again, but Emily knew better. It was Ry's fault that Em had like 3 friends and none of them were girls, she thinks there all backstabbing bitches."

"So long story short, Riley is a backstabbing bitch?"

"Yes. No. Umm Kind of." I walked out the door towards the forest that Emily ran into. I shift into my wolf and sniff the air. I jog and just follow the scent.

'Jasmine. Jas. Jasmine, Jasmine. Jas, Jas Jasmine.'

'What now?' I ask,

'We have... Superpowers!' Lupus says excitedly,

'Okay. Is that it?'

'Yes, that is all.' I shake my head at him, sometimes he's a pain in our ass, but he is my best friend. I see Emily lying under a pine tree, I walk up behind her and poke her with my nose, she stirs but doesn't wake up. I walk backwards to get a run up, and sprint as fast as I can and dive onto her. It wasn't a bad idea in my head, but she flips over and goes for my neck. She grabs onto the skin around my neck and is about to bite down when I hear her smell me. She lets out an annoyed growl and gets off.

'Lol, that backfired.' Lupus says,

'You can shutup, like now.' I stand up and shift into human form. I lean against the tree Em was sleeping under. Emily shifts as well, she sits next to me and snuggles in close, so I put my arm around her.

"I'm lucky you like how I smell, hey?" I ask, I feel her smile even though I can't see her. She shrugs her shoulders and says,

"I guess, I honestly thought you were a rouge."

"I am a rouge." I say,

"Not anymore." I smile at her, but I remember what I have to ask her,

"Has anything happened to you, like since this morning?" I ask,

"Well I found my mate, nearly ate my mate, found out I was secretly a lesbian, got bitch slapped by my mother, my mate nearly ate me, I sent my mother to be executed, found out my twins mate is my ex-bestfriend and nearly ate my mate again. I have to say, my morning has been pretty uneventful." She says,

"No, I mean anything weird?"

"That stuff was all pretty extraordinary, if I don't say so my self." I sigh and get strait to the point,

"I think I'm Telekinetic."

"You can move things with you head?" she asks confused,

"No, the other one, you know, the one that means you can read people's minds?"

"Umm, okay?" she says, shuffling away a bit, I can see she's talking to her wolf, so I listen in.

'I think you were right, she is cray cray.'

'Lil back off a bit, just let her explain, okay?'


I look at her with disbelief,

"Could you kindly tell Lily that I'm not 'cray cray'?" I ask, I think she is about to run away when she says,

"If you can tell me what I'm thinking right now, I will believe you." I think about it and say,

"You just said, 'Ben, can you come get me? I think she's crazy!'." I look at her and she finally believes me.

"Maybe you can do it too. Try it." I can see her concentrating really hard.

"You just said I had nice boobs." She says looking at me like I'm a weirdo and hoping she was wrong,

"Yes, I did just say that and I am not a weirdo, I am just embracing what God gave me." She laughs a little which makes me smile.

"How did God give you my boobs?" she asks,

"Well he paired us up, didn't he?" she just laughs at my response again.

"I don't think you're telepathic, I think we can just hear each other's thoughts." she says smiling,

'Aww, I thought we had superpowers.' Lupus whines,

'I'm sorry Lupus, but that's not the first time you thought that is it, remember third grade?'

'That wasn't fair. We ran faster than everyone.' he says,

'And later that day, after I told everyone, I learnt that we were a wolf.' Emily laughs at me, she was listening to the whole thing.

"It wasn't funny Emily. My classmates were laughing at me for weeks, it was so embarrassing." I say,

"How old were you when you started getting your senses?" she asks,

"I don't know when I was seven, I think." I try to remember, but that part is blocked off for a reason.

"When did you first shift then?"

"I was twelve, I was really scared, but no one would help me." I say, trying not to cry.

'Let's go back, it'll be dark soon.' Emily says in my head, I look at her and she seems just as surprised as I do. She stands up and offers her hand, which I gladly take. We walk back to the house quietly holding hands. It's funny, this morning she didn't what to touch me or even talk to me and now at five at night, she won't let go of my hand. I'm glad she's my mate now, I couldn't have asked for a better one. I hear Emily grunt in agreement, I smile to myself and quickly think 'Nice boobs' to get her out of my head.

Damn, I think I'm falling. I know I'm falling, very hard and very fast.



I gave you another chapter, so you're welcome.

Bye Guys,


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