Chapter 12

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Emily's POV

Before I realise what I'm doing, I run further into the forest, I know Kyle is waiting for me, I can hear him breathing. The trees start to thin out until I'm in the middle of the football field, the cheerleaders crying in one corner and not to far away from them, a dark brown wolf standing over a once pure white wolf who is now stained red with blood. My mate. I look at Kyle, he can't smirk in wolf form, but I can see in his eyes that he is. I'm getting angry. I bolt at him, rage taking away all my boundaries, when I'm about to jump on him I hear something, a thump. A heart beat, just one, but it's enough to let me know she's still alive. My mind is instantly clear, I have to kill him, but I can feel myself getting calm, too calm, my eyes start to change, then the rest of my body, before I can do anything about it, I'm lying naked on the schools football field,

"Emily?" A girl asks, I look up towards the cheerleaders to find one staring at me. Lola Drake. Fuck. I am so dead.

"What are you?" She asks again, this time taking a step forward, Kyle spins around to face her. Fear starts pouring out of her, you could probably smell it at the pack house.

'God, I can't believe I'm about to do this.'

'What are you going to do? Wait, no Em, don't.' I block out Lily and get between Lola and Kyle, I shift and lower myself to the ground growling as loud as I can. Thump, Jas is still alive, I've got to finish this. I jump towards him and we crash together in the middle and fall, he lands on his paws and I fall on my side, I think I broke some ribs, but I get up anyway. I close my eyes and try to ignore the pain. Thump. The pain is gone. I jump on him, lashing out with my paws and tail.

'Emily?' a guys voice asks in my head,

'Lupus, is that you? Are you okay?' I ask still preoccupied with Kyle.

'Thank God, you can hear me, right?' He asks,

'Yes. Are you guys okay?' I ask, keep all my weight on top of Kyle, he's struggling underneath me, trying to flip us over or get out at the least.

'I'm fine, but I won't be for long. Jas is fading fast, if she dies, so do I and probably you as well.' With this information I can feel my heart being torn to pieces inside my chest, rage fills my body again, I start to lose control of my actions, I know I'm going to black out so with my last piece of humanity I say,

'Lupus, get Lola and the Supersluts out of here and hurry because I'm losing control.'

'Okay. Hold on for as long as you can.' He replies. Thump. I'm gone.


Sorry about the short chapters, there is a point for them. There will be another chapter or two before Friday.

Bye guys,


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