Chapter 16

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Emily's POV

'Emily?' Jasmine asks in the link,


'I may have pissed off some old guy and now he wants to speak with you, also he said something about taking the Alpha title from you because I'm a horrible person.' She says in the sweetest voice she can muster up,

'Where are you?' I ask rubbing my forehead, she's only been awake for a couple of hours an yet she still manages to get into some kind of trouble,

'I'm in the kitchen with Bitch-face and her dad.' She replies,

'Bitch-face?' I ask,

'Oh, Riley!' She says obviously forgetting how immature she is,

'You pissed off Riley's dad, shit Jas, what have you gotten us into?' I rub my forehead harder, a headache is starting to form from me rubbing so hard.

'Sorry?' She asks,

'Yeah, I know. I'll be there in a second, don't dig the hole deeper than it already is, I might not be able to get you out otherwise.'

'Okay.' I open the door and exit the pack library, Grant and I have been studying the books and old legends for anything related to Jas and I, so far we're not doing to great. I walk in the front door of the main house and into the kitchen, Jas is on the receiving end of some pretty bad looks, but being her ever so graceful self, she imitates their faces in the most insulting way she possibly can. I clear my throat and all eyes are on me,

"Hey babe, finally. This one has been giving me the stink eye," she says pointing to Riley, "And this one has just been looking at me with his normal face, do I have something in my teeth or what?" She says smiling at me and pointing to Paul, Riley's dad,

"What did I say about digging holes?" I say,

"I like to dig." She says, it's hard for me not to smile, but I try my best to keep a straight face.

"Paul? You asked to see me?" I say going back to being serious,

"Yes, this girl here, your so called 'mate', has been tormenting my daughter and has been extremely rude to me." He says,

"Hey not true, Emily don't listen to him, I only told her I don't like her and asked her how she's a vegetarian, then this guy came in here and started to talk shit, so I put him in his place." Jasmine says trying to defend herself,

"Okay, thank you for that Jas, you can leave now," I say pointing to the exit, she rolls her eyes and walks out, stopping at me to kiss my cheek and 'discreetly' flip off Riley. I say 'discreetly' because she obviously failed. "Paul, what do you suggest I do about this? It's all just a joke, it's not like she's actually a threat to anyone, she's harmless."

"Yes, of corse, but from what I've heard you're not. My men tell me they tried to pull you off of the mess you had made of that poor, poor boy. All I'm proposing is time off to get your head in check and to focus on your schooling or something like that." He says, I knew that's all he wanted me for, I have barley said anything to anyone since the Kyle incident and he wanted me alone to talk me out of my position,

"Sorry Paul, no can do, I've got a bigger pack house to build and a much bigger pack to feed, you know the full moon is coming up next week and we've got nine new shifters to help before then so I'm super busy and I got to get back to work, bye." I walk out of the kitchen and walk into Jas, she grabs my hand,

"How's the rebuild going?" she asks,

"I know you don't want to know, just ask what you were going to ask, you don't need to suck up."

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