Chapter 10

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I open my eyes to see a big white wolf lying in bed with me, I smile and wrap my arms around her fury neck. Her eyes open and meet mine, we stare into each others eyes for a while until her big green ones are replaced with deep brown ones. My smile grows and I lean in to kiss her, but she beat me to it, I kiss back and she wraps her arms around my waist and entangles her legs with mine. I pull away and rest my forehead on hers and catch my breath,

"Good morning, Gorgeous." Jas says,

"Morning to you as well, Beautiful." I reply,

"Is this morning not good enough for you my dear?" she asks sarcastically, which I answer with a grin,

"Care to join me on my run, then?" she asks, I nod my head and peck her lips before sitting up. I look at what I'm wearing and realise that I'm in one of Ben's shirts, I look at Jasmine confused, she shrugs her shoulders and says,

"It was quite a task to do without looking, your lucky you have them on."

"Really? Is that so?" I ask,

"Yes, and can I just say you are very beautiful while your naked. Not that you're not beautiful or anything." she smiles, her cheeks turning a light red. I climb over her and take off the shorts and shirt, shifting afterwards. Jas shifts as well and I trot down the stairs greeting Abby with a small bark on the way, I get to the door and wait for Jas, once she's caught up I make my way outside.

'Ready?' she asks,

'Ill race you.' I say taking off into a sprint,

'You're on!' I hear her feet coming up behind me, I push harder until the trees are flying past me in a blur,

'You want to have some fun?' She asks,

'How?' I reply,

'We could make some cheerleaders shit their pants?' She says like a question,

'Isn't that against the rules?'

'You make the rules and it's not like the sluts know who we are, we're just a couple of very over grown wolves.'

'Fine, what the pack doesn't know won't hurt them, right?' I say,

'Sure and if we get in trouble, I'll just say that I 'accidentally' came across them on my run.' I slow down a bit letting her fall in pace with me,

'Lead the way.' I say, she steps up in front of me and we run towards the school football field, the cheerleaders have early practice, that's why they're out here at six thirty in the morning. Jas slows down to a walk while we watch them at the edge of the tree line like prey,

'On the count of three, okay? One... Two... Three!' We jump out of the trees and run towards them at the other side of the field, when we reach them I let out a playful growl, but them being human won't tell the difference. Jas and I round them up into a circle and growl at them, I step towards them and the circle splits down the middle revealing Lola, the look on her face is priceless,

'Emily, where are you?' I hear Ben ask,

'Out for a run with Jas, why?'

'Where abouts?' he asks,

'At the football field.'

'Em, the girls have early practice today.'

'I know.'

'Don't tell me you're scarring them.'

'Okay, I won't.' I say,

'Em, now's not the time, we have some hostile wolves spotted heading there. You have to go back into the woods now, otherwise there'll be a full on wolf fight in front of humans.'

'Okay, we'll start running.'

'Jas, time to go.' I say, she instantly follows me back into the trees. Two minutes of slow jogging, I smell an unfamiliar smell and slow right down.

'Smell that?' I ask Jas,

'How can I miss it? It's like an elephant decided to take a shit in my nose. The thing I'm most worried about is that I've smelt that smell way too many times, it's my ex-pack.' she says, knowing that they already want to fight I get into a defensive stance.


I get down low, waiting for my que. A small black wolf steps out from behind a tree, by the size of her, I'd say she is a fresh shifter, maybe even the last full moon, which is dangerous because she won't be able to control her wolf and could be stuck like that forever. Another wolf with grey fur steps from behind a different tree, this one looks older, he might be around twenty. More and more wolves step out, there's around eleven, all different sizes and colors. I get ready for a fight and so does Emily, all of a sudden a dark brown wolf, who is pretty big, steps out, I instantly know who it is. I want to run and hide, but then Emily would be left to fend for herself, I stay put and just sink back a bit. Kyle gives a wolfish grin at me and turns to Emily. He shifts into human form, leaving him in only a pair of pants, showing off his abs. He steps towards Emily and I growl letting him know she's mine, he just grins again.

"So Emily, have you told her yet? About your problem?" He asks, she growls at him when he takes a step closer,

'What's he talking about?' I ask in the link,

'I forgot, but yesterday I partial shifted, we can talk about it later.'

'Okay.' I say, I stare at my brother waiting for him to do something, but he doesn't do anything, I think he's talking to his wolf or his pack, but he won't be paying attention. I get down low and launch myself at him, he turns and faces me just as it happens, I land on top of him on the ground, he shifts underneath me and slides out from under me. He runs off and his pack mates start to close in on me and Emily, snapping every time one of us doesn't move. We back up into each other and they keep moving, they're inches away from us. I close my eyes thinking this is it,

'I'm gonna tell her.' I say to Lupus,

'Go for it.' he replies, I take a deep breath in and out, calming myself,

'Emily?' I say,

'Yeah?' she replies,

'I think I love you. No, I do love you.' I say, she doesn't respond,

'Please say something.' I say getting panicked,

'Look.' she says, I open my eyes and see five of our wolves, including Ben, Abby and Jake, standing in the trees, Ben growls and Kyle's pack turns to face them. I can feel Lupus getting really exited.

'Get ready for some fun.' he says.


Sorry about the long wait.


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