-ink doesn't eat, but sometimes, you may find him chewing on various art supplies.(ex. error found ink sucking on a bottle of actual paint.)

-ink has an obsession with fire

-error bites on the tips of his fingers, sometimes enough to make them bleed.

-he wears fingerless gloves because of his haphephobia.

-if error trusts someone enough, he'll take their code and fuse it with his. this nulls their touch and he doesn't react to it badly.(he's done this with the gang, and he's debating doing it with ink.)

-blue's code isn't fused with error's but he's known error long enough that his touch doesn't activate error's haphephobia.

-nightmare was the first person that error fused his code with.

-error has a phone, but he hardly ever uses it unless he's hiding in the antivoid

-error has amnesia, like really bad, so he has no clue where he came from or what made him.

-error was the first sans to ever be created in his multiverse. ink came after him.

- unlike ink, error is aware of the omniverse

-error has a huge collection of horribly life-like cow plushies that he uses to torment cross.

-nightmare can shapeshift

-blue went through a horse-girl phase.

-dream smokes, but only when he's incredibly stressed.

-nightmare is acutely aware of where his gang is at all times.

-error changed the gang's code so that when he checked them, it would display their chosen name, and not sans. he did the same thing to nearly everyone in the multiverse, but he didn't tell anyone.

-error secretly fucked around with ink's code so that when ink was checked, it would display things like 'ink(squid)' or 'rainbow bastard' and would give descriptions like 'he's fucking stupid, don't trust him with anything.' and the most famous one, 'call him short, he hates it.'

-because there are so many aus and au variants, everyone (who is aware of the multiverse) runs on dreamtale time, mainly because there is only one dreamtale per multiverse.

-dream likes to wear dresses

-the gang jokingly calls the star sans 'glitter gang'

-nightmare refers to dream as 'glowstick' ninety percent of the time.

-cross simps for nearly everyone

-cross gives the best hugs, second to horror.

-nightmare has healing magic but it sucks.

-dream's healing magic is only good because of the positivity in his soul. if he didn't have all that positivity, his healing magic would be worse than nightmares, and both of them know this.

-dust has a pet rat named cyanide

-dust plays around a lot with chemicals and whatnot. unlike most sans, he never really quit being a scientist, even if he did kill everyone and go insane.

-dust has nightmares that are eerily similar to the 'life flashing before your eyes' thing.

-horror eats three to four snacks every night

-nightmare always leaves some energy bars on horror's nightstand so that if horror woke up, he wouldn't panic about not having food.

-nightmare sometimes sings to his boys to help them sleep

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