Chapter 6: The Date and Confessions

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(Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog Intro)


Sky, Rottytops and Shantae were hanging out at the repaired bath house. Classic Sonic was helping Mimic with a new invention.

Shantae: *Excited squeak* I still can't believe I got to battle alongside Super Sonic!

Rottytops: *Evil Grin* You love Classic Sonic don't you?

Shantae: No, what makes you guys think that?

Sky: You're always kiss Classic Sonic goodnight when he's asleep, you're always blushing whenever you're around him, and you two were holding hands when we walked to dinner! *Evil giggle*

Shantae knew Sky was right, she could not hide her feelings for Classic Sonic anymore.

Shantae: Okay Okay, you're right, I do love Sonic.

Sky/Rottytops: We knew it!

Shantae: But I just don't know how I'm gonna confess my feelings to him!

Rottytops/Sky: We can help you!

Shantae: Really? You'd do that for me?

Rottytops/Sky: Of course we will! You're our best friend silly!

Shantae: Okay! Let's do it!

Sky: You don't think Sonic is Super Sonic do you?

Shantae: Now that you mention it, they do look very similar to each other.

Rottytops: Super Sonic even sounds like Sonic!

Sky: Wait, Remember him using the Chaos Emeralds to transform into Super Sonic in front of us?

Rottytops: Oh yeah!

Shantae: Then Sonic is Super Sonic!

Shantae/Sky/Rottytops: *Excited squeal*

Sky: After we get done, let's go find you an outfit that will make Sonic crash!

Shantae: Okay!

-At Mimic's workshop-

Mimic: And done!

Classic Sonic: We did a good job Mimic.

Mimic: And it's thanks to your help!

Rottytops: Hey Sonic! Got some news!

Classic Sonic: What is it?

Rottytops: Shantae wants to go on a date with you!

Classic Sonic's entire face went red. He'd never actually been on a date before.

Classic Sonic: I've never actually been on a date.

Rottytops/Mimic/Sky/Bolo: WHAAAAAAATTTTTTT?!?!?!

Classic Sonic: I've done celebration dinners, but I've never been on a date.

Mimic: Well then this'll be your first date.! So you go get ready!

Classic Sonic: Ok!

5 minutes later.

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