Chapter 6 - Don't let anyone hurt you

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"You are, my once upon a time."


Chase's POV

The words scraped out of my throat before I pulled the phone away, my mind and heart started a battle of their own, the first showing the evident proof of her actions and the other defending her with every ounce of love it had for her.

I first felt the shock mixed with denial; because a small part of me still thought she was just lying, trying to push me away again.

That part's voice faded away almost immediately when I heard whoever was beside her, that's when the anger overwhelmed every other feeling left. My fingers tightened over the phone, my fist itching to seek destruction just at the mere thought that...Fuck, I couldn't even begin to comprehend that she actually moved on, leaving what we once had behind her.

I trusted her.

I believed in what we her.

She did love me, I know that, it was real. Yes, it was young love, high-school love even, but it was just as real as any other feeling.

But Lilly, she was always a losing battle for me, since day one, she was a flight risk, a one I took in with open arms.

I pressed my palms over the table ahead of me, trying to search for control, but losing. I closed my eyes shut as swells of hurt pounded at my skin, a radiating agony slamming me hard and fast. One brutal hit after another.

She was always the storm in my calmness, dragging me out of my comfort zone, stripping me out of my control, and letting me get lost in everything she is, that storm was once exciting and thrilling, but now, it just wrecked me.

I was so stupid, waiting around for her, thinking in less than what has passed, I will have her again. Even now, even after what she said, that boy in me who could never forget her still thought there was a...possibility.

But Edward was right, Conner was right too, I needed to fucking move on. I don't know how, but I should, it's about time.

I could go and seek that type of moving on in any stranger's bed, but it's not who I am, it's not the type of guy I am, it's not what could take away this anger or pain.

In my life, I always had everything, and I kept thinking that Lilly was the only missing piece. The one thing to fill that empty space in my inside, that no one else could fulfill. Loving her was the only thing I ever knew.

Maybe now it's finally the time to learn how not to do that anymore.

In the midst of me trying to gain back my control, that guy's voice rang in my ears again, her telling me she broke her promise, it crashed all over again and the anger burned deep in my spirit, the kind of rage that I hated pushed at my chest and at the lungs that weren't strong enough to handle it; A low groan vibrated from my chest and the need to let it out had me rushing my hand over the table, letting whatever was on it, crash down to the ground.

I wished it was him in my face now, so I could let my anger on his face, to warn him to stay away from what I thought was mine. I wished it was her here, so I could shake her back, tell her that maybe it is not too late.

I curled my shaking fingers into my fist, the part of my brain exerting control got so tired - it required energy and that got depleted each second I thought of her. I was too absorbed in my head and rage to notice Conner who walked into the kitchen, or that the hand who landed on my shoulder belonged to him. It had me turning around so fast, my fingers curling over his arm, pushing him away from me.

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