Special Chapters

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Jaehyun and Taeyong were just cuddling watching a movie. When suddenly, Taeyong jumped up and snapped his fingers and raising his eyebrows, Showing he has an idea. 

Jaehyun tilted his head in confusion. 

"I got an idea! Let's hang out with everyone, today" Taeyong said. Jaehyun couldn't resist his urge too coo at this boy who seemed to cute for this world. 

"Ok, baby" Jaehyun said pulling taeyong back down on the couch, kissing him. Taeyong kissed back. The kiss got a little more heated. Jaehyun bit the older's lips, causing Taeyong too gasp and open his mouth. Jaehyun got the chance to put his tongue inside exploring Taeyong's mouth, which tasted like whipped cream and oreo. 

Both of them pulled back. Jaehyun was smirking while Taeyong just blushed. Hitting Jaehyun's chest softly, pouting. 

"I-i'm going to text the group" Taeyong said taking out his phone to text the group chat. 

Bunny_Boi- Doyoung 

Deer_Chan- Sungchan

Taro_Milktea - Shotaro 

Moon_Tae- Taeil 

Me: Taeyong 

Win_Lose- Winwin

Yu_ta- Yuta

mOrkk_Ork- Mark

Breadboi- Jaehyun 

John_Banana- Ten

Oh_Daddy - Johnny


Me: Guys! Can we go to somewhere today. 

John_Banana: Sure, Bubu. Whereeee? 

Breadboi: Hey! only i'm aloud to call him that!

John_Banana: Keep dreaming, bread boi

Oh_Daddy: Ten...

Yu_ta: R.I.P Ten's ass.

Deer_Chan: Whyyy?

Yu_ta: He calls Taeyong BUBU. But doesnt call Johnny anything. And jOhnny hates it when Ten calls Taeyong Bubu. So... He's getting PUNISHED....

Deer_Chan: R.I.P Ten and his ass...

Me: Y'all can't stawp drifting off the topic for once?? JOHNNY! STOP! PUNISHING! TEN! HE! DID! NOTHING! AT! ALL! 

 mOrkk_Ork: He snapped 

Oh_Daddy: But Ten likes it rough....


Bunny_Boi: I'm going to add my boyfriend, wait. 

Deer_Chan: Same

Deer_Chan added Taro_milktea

Bunny_Boi added Moon_Tae

Taro_Milktea: Sungchanie? :/

Deer_Chan: Yes, baby? they are my friends! Say hi. 

Taro_Milktea: Hello, everyone. My name is shotaro. hehehe ❤(っ^▿^)

Bunny_Boi: Can we adopt him, IL? Omg he's so UWU ^ 

Moon_Tae:  Sure, baby. SHOTARO YOU'RE SO UWU

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