Chapter 8

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"Oh come on, Y'all are awkward as fuck, just kiss already" Ten yelled, both of us were just looking at each other very awkwardly. I gave him a 'are you okay with this' look and he nodded, so i leaned in and kissed him. 

Taeyong kissed back. According to Jaehyun, Taeyong's lips were very soft and the kiss was amazing. He felt safe . Little did Jae know, someone else felt the same. 

Both of them pulled apart, with Tae blushing madly. They continued playing for a while, with some squealing here and there. 

"Guys-" Yuta cut himself off by a yawn, and the other giggled. 

"I mean, The partners are obvious. You all know where everything is. Good night" Taeyong said and went to his room, Jaehyun following behind. The others just smirked at each other. They're plan was going perfectly. 

"I d-din't bring clothes" jaehyun said awkwardly after Taeyong started arranging the bed in his room. 

"You can share mine" Taeyong said normally, Jaehyun nodded and went to the bathroom to brush. 

"The clothes are on the bed" said Taeyong, Joining Jaehyun as well to brush. 

After both of them were done, they had to decide who will take a bath first. 

"You can um go first. I'll be waiting" 

Jaehyun nodded and went to take a shower, meanwhile Taeyong was on his phone. After about 20 minutes, Jaehyun came out with a towel around his waist. 

Taeyong POV

I heard a sound and looked up from my phone. 





Damn, Jaehyun is hot. I didn't realise i was staring for too long. 

"Like what you see?" Jaehyun said with a smirk and I snapped back to reality, Blushing a deep red shade. I ran to the bathroom with my towel to avoid the embarrassment.   

Third person POV 

Jaehyun giggled and sat on the bed drying his hair vigorously, with the towel and wearing his clothes. 

After a while Taeyong came out, drying his hair with the towel(He wore his clothes already).  Jaehyun was laying on the bed on his phone. 

"Are t-the clothes fitting you well?" 

"Yup, Thanks" Jaehyun said with his signature smile, revealing his dimples. Oh how badly, Taeyong wanted to call the police to tell them that Jaehyun's Dimples should be illegal. (A/n: Same, Taeyong Same)

Taeyong just nodded and sat on the other side of the bed, applying lip balm and cream on his face while humming a tune. 

"You know SuperM?" Jaehyun asked, since he recognised the tune the other male was humming. 

"Omg! No way! You know them too?" Jaehyun saw how Taeyong's eyes glowed and how he acted adorable talking about SuperM. Jaehyun giggled and ruffled The older hair

"Yes i do, Yongie" Jaehyun said smiling, and was caught of guard when the older poked his dimples. 

"Cute" Taeyong said after poking his dimples. Jaehyun giggled and layed down on the bed. Both of them laid on the bed and slept. 

"Are you okay, Yong?" Jaehyun asked when he felt the other boy grasp the blankets firmly and shiver. The other male shook his head and Jaehyun felt like he wanted to protect this fragile boy forever. So he pulled the older male towards him and wrapped his arms around Taeyong. 

Taeyong blushed, but stayed like that. he felt warm, safe in the younger's arms, and like that both of them slept. 


School is killing me, sorry for not updating regularly. How is the book, pls commenttttt.



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