Chapter 43

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The moment I arrived back at home it was apparent the Viper members had been called because the last time I saw this many cars, it was Jex's 50th birthday.

Hurriedly I made my way inside, and Jex called for everyone's attention, then told me to tell everyone what I'd learnt from Killen.

At first I was rather intimated, having such a large amount of dangerous men looking in my direction, but that was only for a moment, because before I knew it, I was feeling exhilarated, I'm actually really lucky to belong to such a large family who will always have your back.

I've been home for half an hour now, and for the passed half an hour the pressure has been on Willow and her hacking skills.

"I got it." Willow calls loudly and everyone gathered around her computer quickly. "His name is York Baker, he's a lab technician at Springs hospital."

"A lab technician? That's a handy place to work if you want to change some official DNA test results." Jex shakes his head, a look of rage burning in his eyes.

"Location?" Ace questions.

"Working on it." Willow says as she begins typing once more, a second she looks up. "Home address, got it!" She says turning the laptop toward Jex who notes it down on his phone. "Thanks baby girl." Jex kisses the top of her head. "Boys let's roll out." He calls one the vipers who all follow him.

"You don't mind watching her right?" Grayson asks Jordan as he looks down at Poppy who is playing with her blocks on the floor, not a care in the world.

"Of course not." She smiles.

"I'll see you."

"Be safe." She calls after him and he leaves the room.

"Your a gun princess." Colson presses a quick kiss to her lips while it's only her and I in the room.

"Be safe Coley." She calls after him.

"I will princess, see you tonight." He winks and heads for the door.

"Wow." I breathe out as I sit down at the table across from her. "You work really damn fast."

"I'm good at it." She shrugs. "It's like the only thing I am good at."

"That's not true, your good at lots of things." I frown.

"How was Killen?" She changes the subject quickly.

"He was fine, more worried about me then himself as usual. Bella mentioned I've been sick and he wants me to get checked over, so I told him I would."

"I think it's a good idea, there must be a reason your sick." She shrugs.

"Maybe, or maybe it's just stress."

"Maybe your pregnant." Willow wiggles her brows.

"I haven't been with Killen in four weeks, and the last week we were together we didn't have sex because he was being a dick, so unless I'm six weeks pregnant, it's a no." I giggle softly.

"Luna, Alyssa is here." Bella calls from the kitchen behind us, and I stand to my feet making my way to the foyer.

As I pull the door open I see Alyssa getting her bag from the back of the car, before heading up the stairs. "Hey Luna, you've not been well?"

"I'm fine really, I'm just doing this to put everyone's mind at ease."

As we make our way into the living room and sit down together, Alyssa begins setting up her things to take bloods. "Alright so you've been sick in the mornings?" She asks.

"Yes." I nod.

"Anything else?"

"Nope, just that."

"Are you tired?"

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