Chapter 14

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Killen's POV:

The sound of my phone buzzing against the wood grain bedside table wakes me from my sleep, and I gently move Luna from my arms as she sleeps before I roll over reaching for it, but the moment my fingers reach it, it stops ringing.

Sighing softly, I lay my arm back down on the bed, and roll over once more, facing Luna who hasn't woken from my movements.

Leaning down I press a kiss to the top of her head and stroke her hair gently.

This morning is the fourth day we've woken up together and I'm stating to get used to it already, I have no idea how I'm going to go back to sleeping without her, but I have a life in East Cliff and she has a life here.

Last night after I finished cleaning up in the shower, I made my way into bed. The second I slid under the covers, Luna moved toward me, snuggling up to me, and from there we spent hours talking.

I'll admit I was nervous about us having sex again, I wanted things to be perfect, I wanted to feel like I wasn't rushing in and making a mistake like I did with Farah, but being with Luna isn't a mistake, she isn't pretending to be someone she isn't, she's been herself from the night that I met her, and now I'm glad we took that step again.

At the sound of my phone buzzing once more, I roll over again and pick it up. It's then I see it's Farah calling and I have ten missed calls from her over the last two hours.

Sighing, I answer. "Hello?"

"Why did I have to find out from one of the boys at the club that you're with your little friend from Mexico and will be for another week or more?"

"Yeah good thanks, how are you?" I roll my eyes. "Farah I don't have to explain myself to you, yes I'm with Luna but that's none of your business, you and I are not together.

"And what about the baby? I have a scan today and I wanted you to be there."

"Farah I'm sorry, I didn't know about the scan."

"But you do now, so you'll come home?"

"What time is the scan?"

"It's in an hour."

"An hour? Farah I'm four hours away, I can't make it home in an hour."

"So your putting her before your child already? The baby isn't even here yet Killen and you're already choosing that fucking whore over our baby."

"Farah do not speak about her like that." I whisper shout as I sit up, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. "It's one scan, I'll be at the next one."

"Oh no you won't be Killen, have fun with your whore, your cut out from this point forward."

"Farah, you can't do that-"

"Fuck you Killen, you made your choice, I hope she's worth it." She sneers before hanging up the phone.

As I let out a deep breath and hang my head, I feel Luna's gentle hand on my back. "Killy, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I say from my same position.

"You know you can talk to me right? You don't have to hide things from me."

Turning, I look down at her. How is she so perfect? Looking up at me with her eyes like honey, her face so gentle and caring in this moment.

"It was Farah, one of the guys from work told her I was with you so she's lost her mind over it. Apparently she has a scan booked in today and she wanted me to come home this second, and when I told her I can't she kicked off again and told me she's cutting me out from this point forward."

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