Chapter 41

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Luna's POV:

The second I open my eyes I feel it coming. Quickly I jump to my feet and run for the bathroom and just make it to the toilet, I begin to be sick into it.

Not having anything in my stomach yet, and going to bed without dinner last night, there isn't much to bring up, but the tiny amount that is in my stomach all comes up in seconds and I cough into the toilet bowl.

"Luna are you okay honey?" Bella asks as she makes her way into the room and kneels down on the floor next to me.

Moving back from the toilet, I wipe my mouth on my forearm and sit on the floor. "I think I'm okay, I just woke up with the feeling of needing to be sick."

"Oh." she says sympathetically. "I'm surprised you had anything in your stomach, you were asleep when Jex came in to get you for dinner."

"I think it was water mostly." I say softly. "Oh shit." I say as I sit upon my knees and move over the toilet bowl once more, vomiting again."

"Oh honey." Bella says softly as she places her hand on my back, stroking it gently. "I'll go and get you some cold water." She stands to her feet and leaves the room.


After spending the morning with my head in the toilet bowl, I managed to pull myself together, shower and change.

As I stand in front of the mirror I assess my outfit. Trying to look my best and as lawyer like as possible, I'm wearing a light weight white blouse tucked into a black pencil skirt, and on my feet are black heels. As always my hair is out and waved in loose beach waves, and even though I really didn't feel like it, I did apply make-up.

Happy with my appearance, I head down stairs and find everyone sitting around the table, eating their breakfast and drinking coffee's.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Willow smiles softly.

"I think I'm okay now, I have no idea what came over me." I say as I take a seat at the table next to her. "I think I'm just worried about Killen, I tossed and turned most of the night, the worst playing over and over in my head."

"That would do it." Jordan nods. "I get myself so worked up like that sometimes that I make myself sick as well."

"I'm glad I'm not the only one then."

"Here honey, your coffee." Bella says as she places it down in front of me.

"Thank-you." I smile, but the second the smell hits my nose, I place my hand over my mouth, the smell making me dry reach, and I close my eyes for a moment, allowing it to pass.

"You sure your okay?" Willow asks.

"I have no idea what's wrong with me today." I say once more. "Thank you guys for breakfast but I think I might pass, I don't want to be sick in front of the judge, and I don't want to miss my appointment seeing Killen, so I might just head off." I say as I stand to my feet.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Jex questions.

"Would you mind? I think that might be a good idea."

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