chapter 10 <3

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TW: swearing

I wake up to karl with his arms around me, I liked it and I wish it was like this every day. I didn't wanna wake him up so I just turned out and put my head in his chest he smelt so good he smelt like the cologne he would always wear which smelt so good. I felt karl move and little and then I felt him play with my karl I just kept my head in his chest it felt so nice... and like we were dating.

I was just thinking about it too much what karl said that night had not been true he was drunk and if it was he didn't remember, and maybe I should forget. then he felt him kiss my forehead, ugh he was just so sweet and nice.

I found love where it wasn't supposed to be...

I needed to get up soon so I moved a little and karl stopped playing with my hair "good morning karl" and I got up and walked to the restroom to brush my teeth and started to get ready. I had a meeting today to talk about going to new york with the Mr. beast crew which I was very excited because I really wanted to go.

I got ready and changed into a sweater and some jeans and by the time I was ready so was karl I didn't know he was coming but we worked at the same place so of course, he would want to go "you ready"? I said he looks at me and nods we walk out of the house and he locks the door and I start to the car I left a little early so I can get Starbucks and so I went to get some for everyone and then once I got there gave everyone there drinks.

They all said thank you and I walked into jimmy's office and he was sitting there on his phone "so you think we are going to go to new york"? I asked him "yeah and we might stay there for a while too I wanna get some good videos while we are there too if we go," he said happily.

I get up and walked over to the other boys that were messing around "hey y/n" karl said kinda nervous but I ignored it. I sat next to them and we talk about new york and how I never been out of North Carolina and then the meeting was about to start.

we walked into the meeting room and we all sit down karl sat next to me and he put his hand over mine which made me happy I smiled at him and then pulled out my notes they all started to talk about everything and stuff and I was just writing down the things we need and the money we need too for it.

I was kinda stressed it was a lot to take in but karl was beside me and I knew I was okay. The meeting was finally over once we called the company who wants to work with us and we leave the room and I headed straight to my office I didn't know what was going on but I could beath.

I felt so small like I was nothing I felt tears roll down my cheek I didn't know why I felt this way or why I even was trying and then It hit me I was having a panic attack I didn't want the boys to see me like this I was getting better.

Well, I thought I was so why is this happening now what did I do wrong why was this happening I had so many thoughts going through my head, and then karl walk in he closed the door so fast after he was me crying.

"y/n what's wrong is everything okay"? he asked me worried for me "yeah Karl just kinda stressed but I'm fine I just need a moment you know"? I said hugging him.

He hugs me back and I felt so safe "thank you karl" and I let go and we decided to go home, Karl wanted to drive for some reason so I let him we said our goodbyes and me and karl left we started to head home well I thought we were but then karl was going the wrong way. "karl you are going the wrong way," I said

"no I'm not I'm taking you out to eat," he said I smiled and laughed a little "okay" I was happy to see where karl was going to take me.

We pull into this nice restaurant and we walk in it was so nice and I couldn't believe he would take me here. We get seated down and I look up at karl "karl you shouldn't have taken me here" he smiled "y/n I have been wanting to take you here for so long you can't even imagine" I smile as we order our food.

I and karl walk the whole night and we even planned some things we wanted to do in new york. I couldn't wait for us to go but at the moment I was just happy here with karl. After we are done eating it was getting late and we started to go home and once we go there karl walks up to me and picks me up and runs upstairs and then throws me on my bed.

I started to laugh as he runs to his room so both of us can change into our night clothing and once I was done I yelled "karl" he came back running into my room and jumps on my bed and then sits down "hey y/n I'm sleeping in here tonight okay" I smiled at him and said okay I didn't mind karl sleeping in my bed it made me feel safer at night anyway.

He gets up and turns off the light and comes over and puts in arms around me and pulls me to him I laugh and we fall asleep.

words: 1011

AUTHOR: hey tell me your favorite dream SMP member mine is karl and quackity and George is getting there lol.

sleep thru your alarms - karl jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now