"Disgusting huh?" Colson nods.

"No seriously, I'm going to be sick." I say as I turn on my heel and run to Killen's bedroom, just making it into the bathroom in time to be sick into the toilet.

"You okay sweetheart?" Colson questions and I feel his hand on my back. "It was pretty disgusting, but I didn't think it'ed make you vomit."

Moving back, I sit on the ground with my legs out to the side of me. "I have no idea what's wrong with me, the same thing happened to me yesterday morning, I thought it was nerves about Killen, but we're on the right path."

"Do you want me to call Alyssa? Maybe you should get checked over or something, maybe you've got some kind of bug."

"I'll be okay, it was probably just Farah's evil little face that was enough to make me hurl." I giggle softly, doing my best to play it off.

"Hey." Willow smiles softly as she makes her way into the room. "Dad said your sick again, you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I smile softly looking up at her. "I think it's just everything that's happening, it's a lot to take in."

"Are you sure? I could call Alyssa if you wanted to get checked over?"

"I just offered the same thing." Colson says as he stands to his feet and presses a kiss to Willow's temple. "I'll be with the boys."

As Colson leaves the room, I stand to my feet slowly. "I should clean up and get back in there, then I need to get to the jail to see Killen."

"Maybe you are stressed, you haven't stopped for the last three days, you need to slow down a little girl."

"I will, as soon as I get Killen out." I assure her and head for the sink, re-brushing my teeth quickly and shake it off. "Come on." I nod my head toward the door and together we exit the room.

"There you are, are you okay? Jex said your sick again." Bella says as she makes her way toward us.

"I'm okay really." I smile softly. "You look lovely, are you leaving to see Killen now?" I change the subject quickly.

"Oh thank-you, I am." She nods. "I know I only get to see him for twenty minutes but you have no idea how grateful I am for you arranging it."

"Oh Bella of course." I smile and take her hand. "Tell him I'll be in soon after you."

"I will honey, thank-you again." She says as she turns and heads for the stairs.

"Hey Mom, wait up a second." Willow calls as she follows after her down the stairs.

Making my way back into Jex's office, I smile softly feeling a little embarrassed. "Sorry about that. Okay so we have proof that this guy was the one giving Farah drugs and we have proof they were having sex, and that he knew she wasn't really pregnant, so he was in on all of it."

"So this is good right?" Ace questions.

"It is, but I can't use this in court."

"Why not?"

"You've recorded people without consent, and even though it's your house you can't do that. Taking photos was okay because its your property and there was no rental agreement but that wasn't photos of them, it was just photos of your home which is fine. The same reason I had to get you to put her laptop back for the detectives to find."

"So it's pointless finding out who he is?" Jex questions crossing his arms over his chest.

"No not at all, I just meant we can't do anything with it legally."

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