"What do you mean, baby?"

"... You do know we will be sitting in my room all day studying for that presentation, right?"

"Uhm... Yes"

"It makes no sence to change the curtains because the color do not fit the season-"

Seonghwa stopped in his tracks and turned to his eldest with tipped lips. "... Tsk, that your friend is coming over is nOt the reason-" he argued but couldn't stand long against his son's unfazed looks and risen eyebrow. For a moment he got a taste how his husband must feel when he looked at him like that. Seonghwa sighed deeply. "... Can you at least help put it up again?"

"... What is this madness-" Yunho breathed out and helped his father hang the 'French Grey' colored curtains. Why would someone name a color like that? "Please, when she's here, can you all be... Normal ?"

"Yunho why be so mean?" Wooyoung pouted and crossed his arms. "I want to meet your girlfriend"

Yunho held his breath for a second. "Papa, can I lock them in San and Yeosang's room-"

"Hey, I didn't say anything, why punish me like that-" Yeosang gave back and held his hands up in offense. "but like... All day in your room?"

"No, please, Papa they are so weird-" Yunho complained and made a pained expression. "You're going to scare her off-"

And then the bell rang, silencing everyone inside the large house.

"Okay, how about we go to our rooms for a moment and let Yunho invite the friend, mhm?" Seonghwa ordered and hushed his younger children up the stairs, not without turning back to wink at his eldest.

Yunho wanted to throw up so bad. He regreted not accepting her invite to prepare the presentation at her home.  He took a deep breath before pressing the button that opened the gate to their drive through, then got the door. As she stood in front him, for the first time not in school uniform but casual clothes and hair falling over her shoulders, Yunho's brain took a moment to restart.

"Hey," Yuqi said first instead and tried to not think about the high level of awkwardness of the whole scene.

"Uh- hey-come, come inside" Yunho stepped to the side and closed the door behind her. His hands tangled each other and he almost tripped over his own feet. It was his first time having someone over that was not Chan or his brothers. This was a bigger deal than he had thought. It would be embarrassing if she found him weird. And in the most inappropriate moment, he had to think about something Chan had once told him.

You have a fat ass. Start acting like it.

Yunho had a hard time holding back his laughter, but it did help him gather his courage and loosen the atmosphere. "So... Well, I have five brothers and they are annoying... It could get loud-" he warned as he lead her to the corridor, encountering his father.

Seonghwa looked the girl up and down for a moment, then winked approvingly and jokingly at his son when she respectfully bowed. "Ah, a well mannered young lady" he smiled. "You must be Yuqi, right? Yunho's project partner"

"Yes, Mr. Kim" she replied and held herself as polite as she could.

"Ah, very well. Then I won't hold you two back any longer, mhm?" Seonghwa watched Yunho rush Yuqi away immediately and dissappear on the second floor. The parent shook his head with an amused chuckle. The way his eldest behaved reminded him a little about himself. Nervous and a little shy, embarrassed.


Yunho just brought a girl home.

And I hope you're not crying?

Now tell me why would I?

Because I know you
You get emotional over everything
I mean, am I wrong?

Hongjoong do you want poison for dinner?
I'm not crying

I'd even drink poison if you're the one handing it to me~~

I'll gladly.




Mhmmm I might even write another just after this 👁️👁️

Sleep? What's that??

IMMA lose my shit

So Germany is opening schools like nothing happend while my "state" or "province" is marked red with infection rates and infected people😃👍

So, I have my full schedule from Monday on. Idk how updating will work because I will have to take every single exam from my sub subjects that I had online😃👍

And of course, all of these exams are in the same week as my french oral final😃😃😃😃

I am this close🤏 to drinking bleach-

And Kingdom is airing during that time also-

Imma cry imma cry-😊✨

I still hope you're safe and healthy


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