Those Hooligans

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Do you ever feel like the world, no, the universe is out to get you?
That's what I used to think, or well, before I met Holly.
Holly is a figure of pure darkness, a creature that possesses the powers of controlling shadows.
He was a man full of vengeance, but he had a change of heart.
He forgave those who wronged him.
Then, he met me, he saved me, he took care of me, and to this day I'm still thankful.
But, the same cannot be said about Sevian.
Sevian was shrouded in darkness, much like Holly, but he was different.
He wreaked of blood, his demeanor was cold and stiff, he barely showed any emotions and found any emotions to be annoying. 
He was not human and that I was sure of.
Sevian hid behind cloaks and never showed his true self, he much like a monster that way.
Holly reassured me that Sevian was not  a monster though and he said that it was best not to misunderstand him.
I had agreed reluctantly.

I sigh deeply as Holly twirls his fingers in my long hair and he looks at me. "Is something the matter, my love?" I shrug my shoulders as I push myself off of his bed and I walk to the window as I look out and I watch Sevian enter the house with blood covering him from his toes to his head. I make a sound of protest at seeing this.

"He should clean himself before entering." I mumble to myself as I just stare at the bloody footprints Sevian had left behind.

"I could talk to him about that." Holly's voice whispers into my ear and my spine shivers as his voice is soft as silk and I smile softly at his words. Always so worried about me.

"It's not a problem if I don't make it one." My voice is soft to my ears, but it's also so weak as if I had no fight in me anymore and maybe because it's the truth; I don't.

"My love...if I had to choose between you and my friend..." Holly trails his hands up and down my arms and I become putty in them as I listen to his words carefully. "You know I cannot stick with you." I pulled away from Holly in a fit of rage and it wasn't that I was upset with him, but because I already knew the horrible truth to his words. I knew already that he would always choose Sevian and it sickened me to my core.

I look away from Holly and flashes of my past life flash before my very life and I shake my head to rattle away the memories. Holly was not Saturn and Saturn was never Holly. I had to just accept that I would always be second place to everyone else in everyone's lives. The thought was depressing, but it was better than jumping off the bridge after realizing you are useless in this life and the next.

Rubbing my arm I look back to Holly and grimace at his solemn face.

"I'm sorry, Holly. I know...I know I will never be first. I'm sorry, you did nothing wrong." I grab his face in my hands as my breath brushes against his face and he looks at me with compassion.

"Thank you for understanding, my love." He presses a soft kiss on my lips and I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist and we both press our bodies close to one another as if this was our last embrace.

"Of course." I softly say this against Holly's collarbone and I snuggle even closer to him.

We stayed in that position for a while before we both pulled apart and Holly looked down at me with such fondness in his eyes. He presses another soft kiss on my lips and he pulls away with a soft smile gracing his wonderful lips and I smile back.

Holly was the light of my life, he was the one to show me light when there was only darkness in my life. I had thought it was the end of my life with Saturn's rejection towards me and I thought I would be nothing but a brainless worker to this world. But then, Holly and Sevian came that night and they saved me. Even though I would never admit to Sevian, he was my savior that night. He was the one to understand my circumstance and helped me through it. He gave me a choice and gave me a home. Holly had given me patience, love, and most of all, courage. They had given me hope and I would never be able to really be able to repay them back for all they've done for me.

Shadow Love (World Collisions) [#1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora