Cold, Dead, Nights

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Amoux Silverian and Cassius Walls were two different people, two different species, yet they couldn't be more alike than they thought. They both had a soft spot for the ones they care about and that's where I had found myself in this particular predicament as I stood in between the two as they the two of them glared at one another.

"If this goes on any longer, I will be taking my leave." I stated simply and Amoux broke away from her staring contest, that she was having with Cassius, to give me an incredulous look at my words as Cassius continued to stare at her.

"You are going nowhere." Cassius simply stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Watch me." As I go to turn on my heel a hand grabs at my wrists and flings me into their own hard chest. I gave a shout of protest into Cassius's chest but my protests were muffled by his shirt. I grunt in displeasure.

"Let go of him you brute!" Amoux shouted and then a slap was shortly followed by that.

"It's funny you call me a brute when your kind is known for their barbaric ways. I'm surprised your pack hasn't yet mauled our friend to pieces." Cassius coldly says as I struggle to pull away from him and this whole ordeal.

"Your coven and species is no better...if not worse!" Amous shouted once more and I wondered briefly why she felt as though she needed to shout, but when I heard Cassius's wince I understood why. It was simply to annoy the vamp and disorient him. I rolled my eyes at her childish ways for there was no point in continuingly yelling.

"Amoux, me and Cory have known each other since my fledgling days and what, you've known him for merely three years? It's my turn to hang out with Cory and you needn't be a nuisance, little girl." I grumbled into Cassius's chest as I had barely agreed to hang out with him for I had better things to attend to tonight.

"Whatever." With a puff Amoux walks away and Cassius finally lets go of me and lets me breathe as he stares down at me.

"Shall we go?" I bristled at his question and pushed him away, although it didn't have the desired effect as he didn't move a centimeter or react to it. I huffed a sigh and looked out to the cold night.

"I have plans with my older sister and you know that Cassius. I don't know why you bother me with your toddler ways of handling to hang out with me. What are we? Five year olds? 'It's my turn to hang out with him!'" I mimicked a toddler's voice when I said the last sentence and Cassius looked down at me with displeasure and I felt pleasure in knowing he now felt how I felt. Albeit even if it wasn't on the same thing or for the same reason.

"I was merely stating facts, Cory." Cassius's voice held no argument as he was downcasted and I almost felt bad for him until I looked at my wrist watch and cursed under my breath. Nevermind feeling bad for him, I started to feel bad for myself as I was sure to get my ass handed to me for already missing thirty minutes of meeting with my older sister.

Without a second thought I turned and left Cassius as I started to run to the plaza that was near the beach. The wind started to pick up and the cold air got colder as I neared the plaza and the ocean. I then burst through the doors of the only open place at this time. I bent down and placed my hands on my knees as I panted in the spot of the door as the bell had gone off to signal a patreon was in presence.

After a while of standing there and panting I was finally able to compose myself and I looked around to find my older sister sitting in  a booth by herself as she looked out the window. I quickly joined her in the booth and before I could even get out words of an apology she looked upon me with a glare.

"Thirty minutes Cory, thirty." I merely nod my head at her words as my palms grew sweaty and I wait for her outburst to happen. "Do you how I felt in those thirty minutes I felt sad, betrayed, stranded, abandoned, then came the anger and disbelief! But then," she paused as she cast a scary look my way and I sunk down in my seat. "Realization dawned upon me and anger was not even the right word to describe the emotion I was feeling. I was furious!" She yelled at the last word and I winced. Why must everyone yell today?

Shadow Love (World Collisions) [#1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ