'Entitled' Crow

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Everywhere where I look, wealth surrounds me, it mocks me, it taunts me, and it tempts me. It was like a siren calling in its prey and I was the victim to be awaiting my inevitable fall to the ocean as it consumes and drowns me. I was to fall, but I am not like the rest. I will not give in to the temptation of wealth, I would spend my days in starvation and dehydration than let myself drown in the emptiness that wealth brings. I would rather die as a humble street urchin than a filthy egotistic monarch. But, my days are growing thin and slow. Everything was becoming so much more numb. I did not know what to feel, nor did I feel at all. Everything was becoming blank.

I look around my scenery and find people bustling about as they carry on their boring jobs and their boring life. They were like a hive mind, no one was truly free, yet they were all free to what they please.

But, what is a society if you don't get your own freedom? In this 'modern' age of society we must find a degree to have a job, we must have some kind of experience in that field to even be considered, or we are spoiled by our family wealth. In this life nothing is free and nothing is without a price. So, what is a society if there is no freedom? We say we are free, but I see otherwise. There are so many things that are corrupt in this world that my list would wrap around the earth a thousand times. It grows to be more cruel and unforgiving, but that is life, right? No, it's the life that we, as humans, chose. We could've gone on a different path, we could've chosen a different future, but we would rather drown ourselves in debt and ignorance as poverty is our forever friend within our reach.

Everyone says that poverty is the monster that always chases you, but it is always wealth that chases you in the dark and it is poverty that will save you. It will make you humble and it will make you see the world in a different light. Everything becomes so much more clear in this light and that is why I hold a sharp blade to the brightest and clearest vein in my arm.

No tears escape and no sounds are heard, but the fleeting memory of a family appears. It vanishes before it can truly be felt and so the cold metal meets the skin. Nothing is felt and nothing is heard, it is all friends I've come to know and love. Their warm embrace is like a family I once knew. A man I once knew.

But, what is this life?

I drop the sharp blade and look to the city once more with a heavy sigh building in my lungs and I close my eyes for the longest of times before I place my weakened hands on my knees and I rise to the fallen society. I put a fake smile on my face to satisfy those who wonder and I walk with ease as if nothing is wrong, although my wrist bleeds for help. But, I am nothing to worry about. I walk among the crowd and lose myself in the bustling city. I look around and take in the surroundings and find a man on his phone as he rudely shoves people aside. I clench my hands and grind on my molars as I follow him with my eyes. I do a quick look over of the crowd before I start following the man and I bump into him purposely as I steal his wallet and I walk ahead of the man as the man curses me out.

As I make sure I'm far away from the man I go into an alleyway and I open the wallet. I find his ID, credit cards, debit card, business card, and two hundred dollars. I roll my eyes and shake my head. It doesn't matter how rich someone may be, they still shouldn't hold this amount of money around. Yeah, you can cancel your credit cards and debit cards, but with loose money around you are still bound to lose money. I roll my eyes and pocket the wallet in my pants as I walk out the alleyway and lose myself in the crowd. I watch as people walk past me and I wonder if I just looked like them; normal.

I shook my head at the mere thought and I knew better than that. No one is normal and no one will ever truly look normal. For example, what is normal now is a different normal back in the five hundred and thirty six B.C. So, there will never really be a normal, but the normal we create. The normal we know will someday change as later generations, that we create, change the society today. No one will remember Cleopatra, King Tut, the Ming Dynasty, Pompeii, all of the pandemics or health disasters the humane society has faced, no one will remember these things because these memories die with us and it's for us to pass on our memories to the younger generation. So, what if we never wrote down in books about these people or events? Everything that has happened in human history is important to us, but to someone else, either it be now or later in the future, they don't matter at all.

Shadow Love (World Collisions) [#1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora