Hello? I Think The Dead is Alive

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"Necromancy is the study of communicating with the dead and predicting the future. That is the human definition of it anyway. But, we are not humans. We do not live by their standards, we do not live under their rules or their morality. We are everything that is not human, but that does not make us greater than them, that does make us Gods or superior beings? No. We are their equals and always will be. So, what does necromancy mean to us? I will tell you this; study within your souls and study the constellations and you will find the answer to that question one day. Class dismissed." Chairs scream against the floor as students stand and slam them back in place and the desks before them shake and tremble in weakness. The teacher's watches as her eyes wander around and find me still sitting in my chair with a cigarette in my mouth. Her lips tug at the side as gives me a small smile. "Shauht, nice to see you again."

I grunt in response and I stand up from my seat as I push it back and it scrapes against the ground as I sling my bag over my shoulder. I give her a curt nod and walk out of the classroom for there was nothing more that needed to be said. After all, I wouldn't be staying here for long. There would be a rebellion happening soon anyway.

As I walk down the corridor of the school my phone starts to ring and after checking the caller ID I pick up the call.

"Hello? Hello?! Someone...Someone please help!" A voice shouts into the phone and I pull it away from my ear as I quicken my pace out of the school. I drop my cigarette to the ground and leave it behind as it was way forgotten by now.

"What's happening?!" I am now running and even though my lungs were burning as if they were in Hell I knew I had to keep running because it could be everything between life and death.

"Who's this?!" The voice shouts and I pause for a moment before I continue to run and I let the silence fill the air as I let the person on the phone realize who they had called on. It takes a few painful minutes, but then I hear the voice hitch as they must've pulled back to see the caller ID and then I hear a gasp before a long winded exhale. "...I did it again...didn't I?" His voice is covered in a blanket of shame and my gut twists with guilt.

"No, that doesn't matter right now. What's happening?" I ask this as calm as I can even though the panic was rising in me and I could feel my breaths becoming more labored. I wonder if he could hear me breathing more heavily, even if he did he did not say a thing about it.

"I just...it's nothing." I'm about to ask him what happened but then I hear the familiar sound of the beeping sound of the call being ended. I sigh heavily and close my eyes as I rub my temples in annoyance. Why couldn't he just let me be there for him? Why must he shut all his doors and hide away the key? Why does he do this?

I continue to walk to his place even though I know he won't answer the door. I know he won't answer my call. I know he will ignore me. But, maybe there is a sadistic part of me that wants me to have hope for the hope only to be taken away from me and then I wither away into nothingness. Does that make a sadist or a masochist?

The answer couldn't be more clear as I stand at his door and wrap my knuckles on the metal door. I wait and wait and there is nothing. There will never be anything. Despite that fact though I stayed by the door the whole day and the only reason why I had returned home was because it was the rebellion that gave me hope for him, for my friend, for my lover.

The walk to my house was short and boring. Just like my existence.

I entered the house as Cary and Stasy were on the couch reading bible verses to one another. It's one of the few things they enjoy doing as being twins. Other than that you would mostly find them trying to kill one another or trying to avoid one another as if one has the Bubonic Plague. Really, it was interesting in a way or two.

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