Everybody Is Hurt

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It was a dreary day of the school day and the clouds were looming with an ominous feeling as the wind threatened to tear buildings down at their seams. It was a wreck of a day and yet the student body and faculties members alike were forced into the small building. It was terrifying to say the least because the building could be gone in a flash and all who were in it would be gone as well.

That wasn't my main concern though as I tapped my pen against the desk and I could tell my fellow classmates found it annoying, but they didn't dare to speak a word about it.

The teacher was droning on and on about the lesson and, guessing she had enough, she whips her head over to me and gives me a nasty glare that would have anyone shrinking in their seat. I held fast though and gave her my own glare as I snarled at her.

"Ms. Preston if you can not stop your clicking, then you can leave the room." The teacher gives me a smug look thinking she won the argument and I stand from my spot as I sling my bag over my shoulder as I walk to the door. "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?!" My teachers screams like a banshee and I wince slightly as I look her dead in the eyes.

"I'm taking my clicking elsewhere." I turn on my heel and leave the classroom as the teachers give out another banshee screech and I almost felt bad for my fellow classmates. But, then the feelings quickly faded into the background when I remembered most of my classmates were people who once tormented me in my younger days. I roll my eyes as I walk away from the classroom and soon I find myself at the library. I look in the double doors and find Erik, the school's golden boy, cornering a nerd with his goons. I scowl at their actions and I burst through the doors as I approach them.

"P-please, I'm so-sorry, I-I-" The small boy's eyes well with tears as he stumbles over his words and Erik reels back his fist, ready to strike. With one step forward I grab Erik's fist in mine and I yank him to me as I make him face me.

"Leave him alone and pick on someone who's not ready to shit their pants." As I scold Erik the nerd runs off and Erik's goons let him as they keep a sharp eye on me. Erik scowls at my words and he gives me a menacing stare before yanking his fist out of mine and shrugs me off.

"Whatever." He walks off and his goons stare at me for a bit before following their leader like the dumb-brainless-fools they were.

I sigh and shake my head as I look around me to see if anyone was in here and strangely enough, no one was here. Not even the librarian. I shake my head once more and I take a seat at a table as I pull out my cigarettes and I put the stick between my teeth as I put away my carton and I close my eyes as I just wanted to rest after everything. But, sadly the world was against me as I heard the library doors open and close.

I could only hope whoever entered won't bother me.

"Hey Strawberry, shouldn't you be off in class?" I look up at the ceiling for a brief moment and wonder what deity is looking out for me as I only seem to have bad luck today with the people I am around. Shaking my head I look up at Reeves Rogers, the classic 'bad boy' of the town.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" I ask briefly as I crunch down on my cigarette and the toxins fall in my mouth. It felt as though my body was being stabbed when I swallowed the toxins.

"I think I'm talking to the shy girl of the school," he leans in and takes the remainder of the cigarette with his mouth. He gives me a longing stare as if he was looking for something in my eyes, but when he doesn't find it he backs away and spits the cigarette out on the ground. I watch him coolly as I pull out my carton and I pull out another cigarette and stuff it into my mouth as Reese gives me a heated glare.

"What?" My voice is gruff as I ask this and I get up from the chair I was on. I stand to my full height as I stare down Reese.

"You're still the shy girl no one want to talk to, you are still the same girl everyone walks over, you are still the same girl who coward away from me." Reese drags his body closer and closer to mine, but I didn't flinch away. That's not who I am anymore. "You are still the same piece of tra―" Before Reese could finish his sentence I sock him right in the jaw that he heads whips backwards. He slowly raises his head back to me and his eyes wide as he holds his jaw and I smirk at him.

"Oh yah, I'm still the same girl, huh?" Sarcasm marks my voice as I push passed him and I walk out the library. He thought he could walk over me, he thought he could make me fear him, but the thing is; people change.

Change is in human nature, it is much like breathing in oxygen. No one stays the same for long, no one stays the same unless they want to be killed in and by this world. Some people have to go through tougher life lessons to change and others have to go through little change to become the person they are now. But, not every change is good, not every change will favor the person and the people around them. Change is something that is unpredictable, something that you can not count for, that is to be expected. So, what if someone changes so much that you can't recognise them?

You can stand by them or leave them and not give them that false sense of hope. People, in life, give each other false sense of hope, so when someone changes it's best not to give them that and just leave them if you don't like them or their change.

Looking back is something everyone needs to avoid, but it's ultimately something everyone wants.

I rolled my eyes at my thoughts and grinded down on the cigarette stick as I could feel the nicotine and rat poison fall into my mouth, but I didn't care. I couldn't find it in me to care about anything anymore.

Not Reese, Erik, my parents, no one, but my brother.

My brother was the only, few, things in this world that I still cared about. He was the one who picked me up when I fell, he was the one to wipe away my tears when I felt like I couldn't make it in this world, he was the one to fix me when no one else would. He taught me so much, but then he just wasn't there anymore and that was a wake up call. A real slap to the face.

No one cared where my brother had disappeared off to, no one looked for him, no one, but me anyways. I was the only one who seemed to care and it made me pissed at the world. Here was this only good person in the world, who then disappears and no one gives a flying shit.

It tore my heart in ways that I didn't know was possible.

But, did it truly matter?

After all, everybody is hurt.

Third P.O.V: . . .Change is not what it seems the hooded figure decided as they watched the familiar girl from a safe distance as they craved to protect her and shelter her, but he was no longer right for the job and he didn't know why he felt such feelings.

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