His Body in A Coffin

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"Walker!" I turn my head around and find Walis walking towards me as he holds a flyer in his hands. I internally groan at the sight before and I lean against my motorcycle as I cross my arms over my chest.

"What's up, squirt?" He scrunches his nose as he possesses a look of disgust on his face before it morphs into a friendly smile. I smile back, but mine is more forceful as I was hoping he would have left at just greeting me when I had called him 'squirt'.

"What's up, is that you're not going to my party!" He beams as he says this and it looks as if he wanted to jump in excitement, but is holding back. I smile in amusement and shake my head.

"No reason to get too excited by that fact." I roll my eyes as I say this with a joking manner to my voice. He smiles at me as he doesn't even have a look of regret or embarrassment on his face.

"I'm not excited.....but, I'm just happy that I can finally let loose!" Walis laughs as he says this and I watch him walk off to his own car. Despite his childish behavior he could be serious, in fact, he has everyone so fooled that no one would believe he is my right-hand-man killer.

I kick off my motorcycle as I grab a cigarette from my pocket and I light it as I get on my motorcycle and I stop as my eyes travel to the school's parking lot. There he was. I sigh and get off of my motorcycle as I walk up to a kid who looks like he should be in Freshman year instead of his Senior year of high school. His blonde curls memorizing and his brown doe like eyes fill with confusion as he looks up at me. I smile at the kid and nod my head to my motorcycle.

"C'mon kid, let's go." As I start walking to my motorcycle I notice he isn't following and I look behind me to find him looking around. I sigh deeply as the puff of smoke clouds my vision because of this. "Your brother ain't comin' for ya." I say this is the deadest of tones and he takes one shy look around the school parking lot before following me in silence. But, I honestly couldn't blame him. This was a weird day for all of us.

As we get onto my motorcycle and his arms wrap around my torso like it was second nature, I wonder if he's been on one, or if he's been in this kind of situation before. His silence said it all though and it made me even more curious. But, I don't dare to speak as I drive off without a warning and I drive to the shitty part of town. Once I get to a house that looks like it was beaten down by the years and weather I stop and I watch as the kid jumps off and heads off to his house. In all honesty, I didn't even know how he could even remember where he lived. His shitty ass house matched everyone else's and his numbers on his mailbox were gone just like everyone else's. But, I guess the difference between his house and all the others was that his house was painted pink at one time as all the other houses were blue, grey, white, black, blue, green, or a light yellow. It was a miracle though because you could barely tell what colors the houses were.

I shake my head of my wandering thoughts and I start my engine before I fly out of the shitty part of town and into the more wealthy parts of it.

You could tell you we're getting into the more wealthy parts of town when you saw the old Victorian II style and modern styles. It was all the rage for the wealthy folk of this town and for anyone who lived by.

Just as I park my motorcycle in my parking lot I hear my phone start to ring. I sigh and kick the stand to the motorcycle before grabbing my phone and answering the call.

"Are you home, yet?" I throw my cigarette onto the ground and then stomp on it as I get off of the motorcycle as I walk to the entrance of my house and I enter it with ease as the front door was already unlocked. I hung up the call.

"I'm home!" I shout into the foyer and I'm met with Grayson sticking his head up from the couch from the living room. I make my way over to him and sit next to him. "What did you find?" I ask as I don't beat around the bush and instead go for the kill.

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