🕷️ Chapter Eleven 🕷️

Start from the beginning

"Woah! Sorry."

"You better be. You don't mess with a woman's dessert."I declared resisting the urge to hog the whole jar to myself.

James looked at me surprised for a second before he burst out laughing. I ended up chuckling too unable to resist his charming laugh. James let me have most of the yogurt and I wasn't sure if it was because he was afraid I'd get defensive again or if it was out of the goodness of his heart.

After we were done he took the jar inside before returning with two shukas. He handed me one and kept the other for himself as we enjoyed the warmth of the fire. I wanted to raise the issue of where our new budding relationship was going without spooking him. I also wanted to talk to him about the work I was doing but I was conflicted on which to start with.

"Something on your mind?"James asked and I turned slightly so I was facing him fully.

"Yeah lots."I admitted wanting to be honest.

"Do you want to talk about it?"He inquired softly probably afraid of overstepping his boundaries.

I kicked off my shoes and sat crosslegged on the sofa facing him. I wanted to see all his facial expressions as we conversed.

"I want to talk about us and work. Which do I start with?"

His eyes widened when I mentioned us meaning he was not expecting me to bring such a thing up. I liked facing my issues instead of running away from them.

"How about you start with work."He suggested and I nodded.

"Okay well there's a few things to discuss there. First I wanted to tell you that I already ordered the brick making machine and it will be here by Monday so you can start working as from Tuesday. All the other raw materials are already here. I'll organize with Rashid so we can find a way for them to be at the valley so you don't have to struggle getting them down there."I informed him.

"That's was fast."He expressed.

"Well yeah. My sister doesn't waste time."I explained and he nodded.

"Then other thing is about land. Everything is settling so I now have some free time on my hands to begin working on the green houses. I already talked to your dad about the best place to set them up and he said that you're the person to talk to."I inquired.

He thought about it for a moment before replying.

"My dad could have helped you himself. He was just being sly, my mom probably talked to him into setting us up to spend more time together."He chuckled.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No it's actually great, I don't mind spending time with you."He admitted softly and I smiled.

It warmed my heart that he felt that way. It eased some of my worry about his feelings for me but it didn't mean we weren't going to have the talk I had in mind. It was crucial to our future together if there was any to begin with.

"So about the land?"I asked bringing us back to the topic at hand.

"Umh yeah. You don't have to worry about that. I have the perfect place in mind. My dad divided his land equally to all his children. I never used mine preferring to buy my own instead so you can use it. It's about ten acres."He replied.

"That's a large piece of land. More than I need but I appreciate the help."

"Pleasure is all mine. I'm happy to be of assistance so I'll take you there at your earliest convenience so you can check it out."

"Thank you. I think that's about it. The rest I can handle just fine on my own and if I get stranded then I'll ask for your help."I concluded and he nodded.

Queen Of The Plains ( The Matriarchy Series Book 2)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now