Are You Ok?

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Aang POV

I quickly open my car door and run to where she is. Jet looks like he is pushing her against the wall. Right when he's about to grab her area, I tackle him down.

"You're sick Jet!" I yell

"Yea...sick of your shit!" He yelled back

"Why would you do it though?" I ask

"Because I was gonna get away with it." He said

I look over to Katara and she seems really shaken up. Azula is comforting her, but she still seems shocked.

I look back at Jet and he reaches into his pocket and says
"And I'm gonna make sure you don't ever get in my way again."

He pulled a small knife out of his pocket at rushed forward. I do my best to avoid getting hit and he seems to get frustrated. After a while he tires out and I see my opening. I quickly throw a punch that dazes him, then I sweep his feet. He falls to the ground and groans. I think he's done for now.

After I catch my breath, I look back and walk towards Katara.

"Are you ok?" I ask gently

Katara POV

I was still shocked, but I answered Aang's question.

"Yes... thank you Aang." I say and he gives a small smile.

Azula had gone off to the side to give us some space.

I looked into Aang's eyes as he looked back at me. I saw something that I haven't seen in a long time, and it seems familiar.

He had love in his eyes and it was when he looked at me.

I slowly stood up to reach his height. He gave me a small smile.

But then, his eyes widened and that look in them disappeared.

Aang dropped to the floor and fell face first.

The last thing I remember was seeing Jet run away and the knife stuck in Aang's back.

Nerdy kataangजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें