Your fault

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Aang POV

A couple of weeks have passed since the whole 'situation'. Azula and I have been hanging out a lot. She's been a really good friend. She is always willing to listen and she has been super supportive in trying to make me feel better. I couldn't have asked for a better friend.

On my way to school, I met up with Azula and we walked the rest of the way to the school. Once we went through the doors, I could feel someone looking at me. I didn't even have to look to know who it was...Katara.

Azula and I had different schedules, so we split up to go to our classes. Unfortunately, I had class with Katara. The whole time, I could tell she was glancing at me. It was really frustrating and I couldn't focus on my assignment. But eventually the class finished and I packed my stuff and left the room.

Katara POV

I saw Aang get out of his seat and I decided that I needed to talk to him. So I followed him out the door and I was about to tap him on the shoulder, until someone grabbed my hand. Azula.

She let go of hand and started talking.
"He's not ready to talk to you." She said

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"You hurt him, and it's gonna take a while until he's back to normal." She stated

"Oh..." was all I could say.

She continued talking

"You don't even know how bad you hurt him." She said

I stood there feeling guilty.

She kept speaking.

"He barely eats, he barely sleeps, and when he does sleep, he cries himself to sleep, thanks to you." She said

"How do you know how he sleeps? Do you sleep with him?" I questioned

"No I don't sleep with him, he tells me these things. He trusts me, which is more than I can say for you. He's broken Katara, and it's your fault." She concluded and walked away.

All I could do was stand there shocked at what she revealed, and I felt tears slowly escape my eyes.

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