Still Don't trust her

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Katara POV

It was now Monday and that meant going back to school. I was on cloud nine during the weekend. Aang had kissed me and I loved every second of it. All I could think about was him. But... I was still confused about what we were.

Aang POV

The weekend was great, and the baseball game was too. I kissed Katara, and it was awesome. But... I still don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship with her again. The kiss was just... a heat of the moment thing... I think.

Katara POV

I made my way to school and I went to my locker. I saw Aang, but he was talking to Azula, so I didn't want to intrude. So I went to my first period and sat down.

Right before the bell rang, Aang came into class. He sat down next to me, and gave me a small smile... but something seemed off... like his smile was forced. I didn't question it though.

Aang POV

The school day went by and I was walking to my car with Azula. I was about to grab my keys when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I knew who it was though.

Azula POV

Katara tapped on Aang's shoulder. It was obvious that she wanted to talk to him. I saw Aang's eyes light up, but I didn't want to see him get hurt by her again.

"Aang... I was wondering if you were busy on Saturday?" She said

"No why?" Aang responded.

"Maybe we could go to the mall... and get lunch?" Katara asked

Aang was about to respond, but I cut him off

"He would love to, but our parents have a brunch appointment on Saturday" i said

Aang's eyebrows shot up in confusion. Katara walked away sadly after she said "oh ok, maybe another time."

Aang grabbed my arm and pulled me into the car.

"What was that for?!" He asked slightly annoyed.

"I still don't trust her. She's just gonna break your heart again" I said

"You don't know that" he said

"See for yourself" I said as I pointed out the window.

Aang looked and he saw Katara..... with Jet

But it looked like he was forcing himself onto her.

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