The party

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Aang POV

I was sitting down on the couch for about 15 minutes when I decided to get some water.

Some kids offered me some drinks but I declined seeing as I don't like the taste of alcohol. Once I got my water, I ran into Katara.

"Hey, sweetie" I said

"Hi, I was just looking for you. Sokka said you just showed up" she replied.

"Yea, I got here like 15 minutes ago. I was just chilling on the couch." I stated

"We'll do you want to do something?" She asked

"I'm not sure, I kinda just wanted to hang out."

"Well, ok, I'm gonna go get a drink" she said as she kissed me.

I could taste the alcohol on her lips, so I knew she was buzzed. But something else seemed off about her. She seemed distracted or even distant with me. I don't know why.

During the party, I was playing video games with some of the people in the living room. Sometimes I would glance over to the kitchen, and I would see Katara taking another shot of tequila. I saw her take at least 5. I didn't bother her though. Because she seemed like she was having a good time.

A couple more hours of playing video games went by and I wanted to go stretch my legs. So I walked outside and started talking to Sokka and some of his friends. We were talking about things like sports and movies, but eventually I needed to go to the bathroom. So I walked back inside and made my way towards it. I had been holding it in for a while so I was kinda speed walking.

As I opened the door, I saw something I wish I wouldn't ever see. Katara was kissing Haru.

As shocked as I was, all I could say was

"What the fu-

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