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Katara POV

I was stunned. I didn't think I'd ever hear Aang speak with so much venom in his voice. He seemed like he was in pain. God I really screwed up.

The week went by and all I could think about was Aang. I hadn't seen him since we talked in the parking lot and I'm not sure if he's even been at school since then. I don't know what to do.

So I called Toph and asked her what I should do.

"You're fucked Katara." Is all she said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You ruined your relationship with the most caring guy in school. And I don't blame Aang for not wanting to talk to you. You broke his heart."

I was silent while I let what Toph said sink in. I can't believe how bad I screwed up.

Toph then spoke up
"Well you gotta try to explain everything to him"

"How? He won't even talk to me anymore." I responded.

"Well maybe you have to be more aggressive and make him listen to you. But I'm not saying that he is gonna forgive you. You hurt him pretty bad." She said

My face fell when she said this.

"Ok, I'll try" I said.

I then went to sleep with the thought in my mind of how I would explain to him.

It was now Saturday and I decided that today is the day.

I got up and got dressed and made my way over to Aang's house. I was nervous the whole time I walked there. Eventually I reached his house.

I hesitantly knocked on his door and waited. It took a couple seconds, but I heard footsteps reach the door.

Aang opened the door with no expression on his face. His eyes seemed to have a hint of red in them. Maybe he was crying.

As soon as I was about to speak, he closed the door.

"Aang please let me talk to you. I'm sorry." I yelled through the door.

"Sorry for what" Aang said angrily as he opened the door.

"Aang I didn't mean for this to happen, I was drunk." I explained.

"Do you really think that is a legitimate reason? Drunk actions are sober thoughts. So it's obvious what you were thinking about." He said

I was about to talk until I heard a voice from inside. A female voice. "Aang... who's at the door?" She said.

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