I thought wrong

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Aang POV

"What the fuck"

"Aang this isn't what it looks like" she said

"So it doesn't look like you're kissing Haru?" I wondered sarcastically.

"Katara, you could've just told me you were unhappy, I would've understood." I said

"Aang please, let me explain" she begged

"Seeing this was all the explanation I needed. I'm gonna go." I said as I headed towards the door.

Katara ran after me trying to make me stop. But I kept going and slammed the door in her face.

Sokka looked confused, and went to talk to Katara.

Sokka POV

"What did you do?" I asked

Katara seemed at a loss for words, until she spoke up.

"I fucked up"

Aang POV

I slowly walked home, thinking to myself. I had so many emotions going through my mind. I was angry, sad, confused, but mostly the first 2 emotions. I didn't know what I did wrong. I thought she was happy, but she just threw 3 months down the drain. I was pissed.

Throughout the night, I kept getting texts from Katara. But I ignored all of them because she was the last person I wanted to talk to. But eventually I fell asleep.

Sunday went by quick and now it was time for school. I got my backpack and did my normal routine. But I had to go a different route to school to avoid Katara. Once I arrived at school, I went through the day normally, but I didn't talk to Katara the whole day.

But of course, all good things come to an end. As I walked out of school to head home, she stopped me.

"Aang can we talk?" She asked

"Go with Haru, I'm sure he'd love to talk to you" I said as I walked off towards my house.

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