First day of school

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Aang POV.

I woke up for school at 7 when my alarm went off. So I hopped in the shower and did my daily routine. I was starting my first day of sophomore year at a new school and I was pretty sure I wasn't gonna make any friends. It's not that I don't like people, it's just that I tend to get nervous. Especially when I'm around girls. Once I finished getting dressed, I headed to school. It was a far walk, maybe 5 minutes away. When I arrived at school, I went to the office to get my schedule. I saw that I had history first, so I decided to get a head start so I wouldn't be late.

The bell rang and all the students went into their classes. I went into my history class and sat in the back, so I wouldn't draw attention to myself.

Then, I saw the most beautiful girl walk into the class. She had pretty blue eyes, soft wavy hair, and an intoxicating smile. She sat towards the middle of the class and before I could think about her more, the teacher started his lecture.

The teacher said that this was a high level history class, so he assigned us a partner project on the first day. He started drawing names out of a hat and the person whose name got called would choose their partner. Many names went by and then the teacher pulled the girl's name. "Katara, choose your partner".

She sat their thinking for a while and I was pretty sure she was gonna choose one of her friends. She looked around the room and said "you in the back". She had pointed at me and I was pretty confused. Why wouldn't she pick someone else?
"Very well, Katara. Make sure you both get the project finished on time". As the teacher said that, the bell rang. I began packing my stuff up, and someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up and saw Katara smiling at me. "Hey, what's up?" I asked kindly.

"I was wondering if I could get your number..." she said. I felt my cheeks start to blush as I was about to answer, but she continued her sentence. "For the project, I mean."

I tried to hide the disappointment on my face as I grabbed my phone and handed it to her. "Here, you can put your contact info." I said. She took the phone and started typing. The. She handed by my phone back and said "Bye Aang. I'll text you later". All I could reply with was "Ok. I'll see you around" as I went to my next class.

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