thirty three

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I walk out into the hallway to wait for the boys to get done getting dressed. Luke is the first one out of their rooms. He comes up to me and hold my hand up for me to do a twirl.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Nat," He smiles, "Big plans tonight?"

"Thank you, Luke. And not really. I just wanted to look nice," I say, smiling from his compliment.

Michael comes out next. He's on the phone with Vivian, as part of his usual routine now. He turns to camera towards me so Vivian can see me.

"Natalie, what's it like being the hottest bitch on Earth?" Vivian says.

"I dunno. Ask yourself," I giggle. Vivian's always been a great hype-person.

The four of us stand around talking. Michael decides to bring up this "love-triangle" that I'm in to see what Vivian says.

"Well, you shouldn't lead them on. Just follow whatever your heart says is right," They advise me.

Ashton and Calum walk out together. They're having a conversation about something but I cant tell what it is exactly. Thankfully, it doesn't seem like something that upsets either of them.

Calum nods his head while Ashton walks up to me. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my jawline.

"You look beautiful, as you always do," He says.

"Thanks Ash," I say as I push some of the stray hairs away from his face.

We walk to where our rides are supposed to pick us up. I was expecting Calum to talk to me on the way there but he didn't. He stayed on the opposite side and talked to Luke. I don't think he would be mad at me unless Ashton had said something to him. Or it could be the interaction that he just saw between Ashton and I, now that I'm thinking of it. That'll be something I talk to him later about.

I can feel my nerves going up the closer we get to the venue. I'm still nervous about the other boys being there. I'm pretty good at composing myself so I don't think they will notice that I'm anxious.

We pull into the venue and all get out. Once we're inside, I can see the five of them standing there. Louis waves at us and motions for us to join them. It feels like I'm outside of my body right now. It doesn't seem real.

The boys all go one by one and greet each other. I stand off to the side since I don't want to intrude on their reunion.

"So, you must be Natalie," Niall smiles at me. He holds out his hand for me to shake.

"Yeah, that's me," I shake his hand.

I hope my hand isn't sweaty.

"You guys could've told us that there'd be this pretty of a girl joining us," Louis walks over and leans on Niall's shoulder. He gives me a glance up and down with a smirk across his face.

I'm a little taken back by Louis. I'm sure he would know that Ashton and I aren't together anymore but I didn't take him to be someone who would flirt with me in front of Ashton.

"Aw, Louis. You're so nice," I smile at him.

"Thank you, honey. You're coming to the club with us after, right?" Louis asks me.

"Definitely, I wouldn't miss out on it," I say. I glance over at Ashton, who's glaring at Louis. If Ashton's looks could kill, I'm pretty sure Louis would be dead.

I watch the show from backstage, getting closer with the 1D boys throughout. They are all a lot sweeter in person. Harry, Zayn and I all made plans to hangout once tour is over. It's like a dream come true.

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