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     The show was amazing, as usual. They played a new song though. I think it's called Mrs All American. I could tell they were nervous to play it in front of the crowd but the fans seemed to love it.

They put Ashton on the big screen a few times, which rarely happened at other shows. I'm glad he's getting the appreciation. His drum skills are immaculate.

Ashton and I already packed our things for tonight and left them in the dressing room so we didn't have to go back to the hotel. I brought along my speaker in case we wanted to dance around again. I wish I could feel that feeling of dancing with him for the first time again.

The show ends and I meet them backstage. so congratulate them on another great show. I try to avoid looking at Calum but I can just feel his glances going up and down my body.

Whatever. I'm gonna have a fun night no matter what Calum does.

"Let's go," Ashton says. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and walks with me outside.

We went out to the back exit where we assumed that there would be no big crowd of fans. There were a few people but definitely not close to the hundreds of girls that were out front.

A girl walks up to Ashton and I, forcing us to stop walking.

"Ashton! Holy shit," The girl says excitedly.

I can't help but smile as I watch them take a selfie together. She seems so happy and Ashton seems to be just as happy.

"Are you guys a couple? Don't act like I didn't see his arm around you," She giggles.

"Oh, no. We're just friends," Ashton blushes. The feeling reminds me of how he looked when the hot chocolate lady asked the same thing.

     "Oh, well you're very pretty. And it's so nice to meet you Ashton," The girl says.

     "Thank you so much," I smile.

     We go our separate ways from the girl and keep heading back up the road. I check the maps on my phone to see how far we are from the beach Michael told me about. We ended up needing an Uber but luckily there was someone who was nearby that could pick us up.

     Once we get to the beach, it's very obvious that we're the only two there. I'm not complaining though. Alone time with Ashton is what I wanted. We set up our things and set down on the towels.

     "Do you see a bathroom? So we can change clothes," Ashton says.

     I look around the beach and honestly, I can't see anything.

     "I can't see one. I already put mine on under my clothes though," I tell him.

     "Oh. Well, can you just face the other way while I put on mine then? I'll be quick," Ashton asks, starting to look for his swim trunks.

     I nod and wait for his signal for me to turn back around. Ashton was right about being quick though. He tapped on my shoulder so I would turn back and look at him.

     It wasn't my intention to check him out but he was just sitting right there in front of me. He has perfectly toned muscles yet they aren't ginormous like a body builders would be. Ashton's suit him perfectly. I can kind of see the dark shadow of where is V-line is.

     I guess it was my turn now to show off my swimwear. I stood up and started to lift off my shirt. I felt a little nervous. We're just in our swimsuits but if you think about it, Ashton can still get more of a look at my body than if I had clothes on. I slide off my shorts and put my clothes in my bag. The bikini that I picked was red and I thought the bottoms made my ass look great.

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