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Ashton's POV

     I wake up feeling better than usual. Today's gonna be a good day, I can already tell. I decided to make everyone breakfast since I'm the only one up right now.

     I take out the pancake mix and milk to make some batter. I add a sprinkle of cinnamon into the batter, something I used to do for my siblings. I put the pan on the eye of the tiny stove and start pouring some batter in.

     While I'm making breakfast, I hear someone coming in the room. I'm expecting either Luke or Natalie since Calum and Michael sleep in later. To my surprise, it was Michael.

     "Good morning cutie," I tease him. Michael's hair is always so messy in the morning and he always forgets to take off the tiny bit of eyeliner he wears causing the area around his eyes to be smudged with the stuff when he wakes up.

"Good morning handsome," Michael smiles, rubbing his eyes.

"Don't eat anything. I'm cooking us all something," I tell him, starting up another pancake.

"I won't, I'm getting a drink," Michael says, "While it's just us, we need to talk."

I haven't done anything but hearing "we need to talk" always causes me to get anxious.

"Let me guess, you're madly in love with me and we should run off and get married?" I laugh.

"Nah, I'm out of your league," Michael laughs, "But there is someone on this bus who loves you."

I take the pancake off the heat and turn to face him.

"What are you talking about?" I ask. Obviously, I know who he is talking about though.

"Natalie has a crush on you. So, you should stop being a dickhead and ask her out," Michael grabs a plate and starts eating one of the pancakes.

"Did she tell you that or are you just assuming?" I ask him. I turn back around to finish off the last of the batter.

"She told me. I was talking to her yesterday and she told me," Michael says. I can tell by his voice that he said it with a mouthful of food.

My heart flutters. She likes me? Natalie, the most amazing girl that I've ever met, likes me? If anyone is out of my league, it's her. I'm probably like a six while she's a ten, in my mind at least.

"Don't joke like that," I say, halfway thinking Michael is pranking me.

"I wouldn't do that to you. Ashton, you should ask her. Take Natalie on a date or something," Michael nudges me.

I take the last pancake off of the heat and turn the stove off. I face Michael again, who's looking at me like I'm the idiot here.

I try to remember where our next stop is. Phoenix? What could I take her to there? I'll have to do some research.

"Well? Are you going to or not?" Michael asks. I must've zoned out.

"I'd love to take her on a date. I'll ask her when she gets up," I say.

Michael looks like I just gave him the best news in the word.

"I better be best man in your wedding," He jokes around.

"I'll consider it," I giggle.

I make my own plate of food and eat it. They turned out better than usual. Once I'm done, I make another plate with some food for Natalie. I grab a juice from the fridge and walk towards her room with the meal.

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