"Yes, who's this?"

Yoohyeon glances at Siyeon, who starts playing with the crisp. She keeps a crisps on her nose and tries to catch it with her mouth, sticking her tongue out.

"I'm Yoohyeon from last night, did you forget??"

There was a long pause from the other side.

"Oh! Hi there, I'm sorry I didn't recognize your number."

"It's alright. I was thinking, if you would like to join me for dinner tonight, at my place?"

"Thank you for the invitation, I will let you know, I will have to ask my parents."  Handong replies from the other side.

"Okay..." Yoohyeon disconnects the call without waiting for Handong's reply.

She throws the phone on the couch with a force.

Siyeon stops playing with the crisps and stares at Yoohyeon. "You're lucky it was a couch." Said the blonde haired girl.

"She needs her parent's permission!!" Yoohyeon yells at Siyeon, completely forgetting what Siyeon said.

"Why are you yelling?" Siyeon replies, she gets up from the couch. Gripping on Yoohyeon's upper arms she drags her to the couch and makes her sit on it.

"No one does that to me. How can she deny what I'm offering her." asked the silver haired girl looking at Siyeon.

"Not everyone is supposed to say yes to you, you cannot rule them." Siyeon whispers.

"I don't care. I want her in my bed!!" Yoohyeon gets up from the couch, yanking Siyeon's hands away.

"If she declines, you will have to let her go. You can sleep with any other girl, if that's the only thing you want." Siyeon explains. She couldn't believe what Yoohyeon was saying right now.

"No, I want Handong." The silver haired girl whispers and leaves, slamming the door loudly behind her.

Siyeon sighs.

She decides to call someone.

Siyeon dials the person's number.


"Hi Siyeon, what's up?"  The person asks from the other side.

"I think Yoohyeon is angry at me. Please, check on her."

"Did you give her your one of the lectures?" The person chuckles from the other side.

"Yeah kind of..." Siyeon whispers with a pout.

"I'll check on her, don't worry. I'll talk to you later, I'm at work, take care." The person rambled and disconnected the call in a hurry.

Siyeon smiled at the phone. Switching it off she kept it aside. She continued eating her crisps.


Handong asks her parents, if she can hangout with Yoohyeon, they gave her permission with a certain timeline.

She rarely goes out. Her close friends convinced her parents to let her go out with them for the party, where she met Yoohyeon.

She smiles at the thought of meeting Yoohyeon.

She decides to inform her siblings about it.

Because of their work they both live in a far distance.

She dials the number.

-The number you're calling is not reachable-

She dials the number again.


"Hi dong, how are you!" Her brother speaks from the other side.

"I'm good Mark, how about you?" Handong chuckles.

"What am I supposed to say. Minji literally treats me like a slave." He says it in a dramatic tone.

"You're such a liar. Even if she was treating you like one. You must obey her."Handong replies, She hears some ruffling sound from the other side.

"Dongie! How have you been!" A excited voice greets her.

Handong figures out her sister's voice  in a second, she smiles and replies.

"I've been doing good, How is your work Minji." She asks.

"Everything seems to be fine. But you know our brother. He's so fucking annoying." Minji breaks out in a contagious laughter on her own.

Handong chuckles, "You're right, he is annoying sometimes." She whispers.

"By the way, I'm going out to have a dinner with a girl, at her place."

There was a pause for a while from the other side.

"Woah!! Really!! What's her name?" Minji asks from the other side.

"It's Kim Yoohyeon, I'm kind of excited for the dinner." Handong whispers as her cheeks starts getting heated.

"When did you meet her??" Minji asks from the other side.

"Yesterday at a bar."

"It's too early though. You should hangout with her somewhere in a public place, before actually going to her house." Minji gives a suggestion.

"No, I don't want to waste time. I will get to know her once we properly hang out at her place."

"But maybe you should give it some time. Handong, not everyone is kind like you."

"I trust her, I'm sure she has a nice personality."

"Okay, please be careful and call us, to give us details, tell mom and dad that we miss them, soon we all will be together."

"Sure I'll let them know, you both take care, I'll call you later." Handong whispers with a huge smile.

"Take care, bye, we love you." Minji says from the other side ending the call with her kissing sound.

Handong keeps the phone in her pocket disconnecting the call

She starts getting ready to go at Yoohyeon's place.


Thank you for reading. ❤️


What are your thoughts on Yoohyeon's personality...?

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