Harry stepped away and heaved, "because I'll fucking ruin you."

Melody was disappointed at the loss of contact, but she didn't show it. Instead, she took a step closer to him and traced his sharp jawline with her pointer finger. She moved his head slightly to the side to whisper, "I'd like to see you try." Melody walked out of the classroom, leaving Harry in a state he thought he'd never revisit.


It had barely been two days, and Melody already had so many things to tell Quinn about. Melody was playing wizards chess with Ron or attempting to (she was losing badly) when Harry walked into the common room.

Melody chose to ignore his presence and kept on playing. As she was playing, Melody felt eyes on her. Melody lost at the game but was polite about it. She decided to go to the dungeons and look for Haylee. Harry quickly walked next to Melody.

"Where are you going?" He asked curiously.

"To see Haylee," she replied simply.

"Did you hear what I said in the classroom? I'll ruin you."

"Then ruin me."

Harry stopped walking. Melody got further ahead and, once again, left Harry with a stunned expression. The words 'ruin me' were oddly addicting to him, but they were more addictive coming from her.


"So he just told you to stop talking to me?" Haylee asked in disbelief.

Melody and Haylee were now walking side by side in an empty hall. Having no one else to go to, she went to see Haylee.

"Pretty much, but I'm just gonna ignore him."

"Merlin, what is his problem," she breathed.

"Speak of the devil...." Melody whispered as Harry approached the two.

"Are you here to apologize?" Haylee crossed her arms.

"Absolutely not."

"Then you can leave now," Melody rushed.

Harry rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek, "Sirius sent you a letter that arrived at my dorm on accident."

"You can leave now." she took the letter that Harry was holding.

"Also, Haylee, could I have a quick word?" Before she could respond, he grabbed her wrist and started walking towards a classroom.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Because-because I just am," he cut himself off.

"You don't even have a reason? You're so stupid sometimes." After a few moments of silence and Haylee eventually caught on. "Oh," she smirked. "You're jealous."

"I'm not-"

"Save it. I don't fancy Melody," she said. "You should apologize to her; she's pretty upset with you. She's been pretty upset in general. She told me about her parents and her best friend leaving. She needs a friend, although hopefully, you two are more."

I'll Still Love You Tomorrow | Harry J. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now