I'm a fucking teacher

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over the last month I've jumped into my studies becoming a better wizard

the mark begins to burn around the end of the month

I apparate into LeStrange manor

"Marvolo" I state walking into their living room

"Sebastian" he says back "I want you to become the new Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts; I've seen your OWL results for the subject and have no doubt you will be able to pass the NEWT"

I let a smile grace my face already knowing this was going to happen "Of course, I am scheduled tomorrow for noon right?"

"Yes" he states "Also keep an eye on your father; I don't trust him any longer. You are dismissed, my most loyal friend"

I force a smile on my face before I leave

"What happened?" Severus asks as soon as I walk in the door

"I'm going to teach Dark Arts apparently; I'll be taking my NEWTs tomorrow" I start out with "Also, Marvolo doesn't trust you so be careful"


I walk into the Ministry to find a tower with frightened mundanes under it

that's awesome

notice the sarcasm

"Name" the front desk lady says

"Sebastian Snape" I state "Here to take his NEWTs"

Lucius walks over "Crystal, the dark lord wants him to go through"

"Yes, lord Malfoy" the young girl says "go right through, Mr. Snape"

I walk in

after all my NEWTs I get the results


Ancient Runes: O
Arthrimacy: O
Astronomy: O
Charms: O
Dark Arts: O(with honors)
Defense Against Dark Arts: O(with honors)
Dueling: O(with honors)
Divination: O
Herbology: O
History of Magic: E
Potions: O(with honors)
Transfigurations: O

twelve.....not that I didn't think I would receive that many

once I walk in the house Severus looks up from whatever he's writing "What kind of bloody book do you want?"

"The Dark learning series" I tell "There are seven of them-one for each year"

then he nods "What are you going to teach them?"

I shrug "Not a clue. I got twelve NEWTs"

Severus goes back to writing "I didn't expect anything less. Not that it even matters as you said you'll be dead"

"Okay" I scoff "Debby downer"

then to add to a crappy day, my mark starts burning

apparently Severus's is too as he gets up

we apparate to Malfoy manor together

I just sit down apon entering

Marvolo looks apon me with a raised eyebrow

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