Longbottom pt. 2

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Anna hits his chest "that's awful Abe"

"He's lucky Gabriel didn't beat him" Nathan agrees

Aberax rolls his eyes "That's why I don't get him and Black"

"Black's mother is part of the KKK" Nathan says "Plus Black get's what it's like to be in that position where you either join or die"

"What you mean" Anna questions

"You two think Gabriel, Black, and Lupin joined because they wanted too?" Nathan laughs "Gabriel is in love with Mia over here, Black rolls his eyes every time his mother says something racist, and Lupin has black friends. Plus those two are just as dumb as him. They would help him rob a damn bank if they thought it would be fun"

Aberax jumps up "That's it. They more than likely took off to the mansion in the woods; the one where he always disappears too"

"We were told not to go out there" Anna says "He was very specific about it; especially at night"

"I always wondered why" Aberax says

"I thought it was another KKK sight" Nathan gives "Stayed away in case I would be there next victim"

"Wait.....what if Lupin in a werewolf" Anna puts out "It would make sense"

"I took you that long to figure that out?" Harry asks "It only took Mione months"

"Alright" Snape snaps "Let's just get on"

Nathan quirks an eyebrow at Snape before putting the second video in

the screen comes to a door with a ten year old Gabriel standing in front of it
"I'll let you three see" he says opening the door to find art everywhere
"Keep your wands in your pockets please" is the first thing he says "Let's not touch either; no telling what kind of germs peacock has"
"Hey" Trever says
"You knew who he was referring too" Dustan's voice laughs "That's gotta say something"
"Would you two just make out already?" a young Anna asks "You two act like an old married couple anyway. I promise, I will not stand in your way"
Trever hits at the camera which I'm going to assume was to Dustan
"Stop" Gabriel snaps "Send him off his balance and he could destroy something; then I'll have to take it out of your two's asses"
The camera goes to a picture of a three headed dog we saw first year
"Where did you come up with this?" Dustan's voice asks
"Dreams" Gabriel shrugs "They keep coming"
the next photo is of professor Quirrell with a face on the back on his head
A giant snake with a sword sticking out of it's head
Peter Pettigrew half transformed into a rate
a snake faced man coming out of a big cauldron
Umbridge and all her decrees
the prophecy smashing in Dumbledore's office
"this are really good, bub" Anna says
"Thanks, sis" Gabriel smiles

"Those things all happened" Harry gasps

"He must be some kind of seer" Lady Potter suggests

"He is" Nathan tells "He's actually close aquatinces with other seers although he hates the fakes. I only have one more"

a fourteen year old Gabriel is shown
Trever, Anna, and Hermione are around it
"Please come down" Trever sighs
"I've got to finish this book before summer ends" Gabriel tells "just let me do it"
"Its just a book" Anna groans "we could be doing something else"
"It's a dark arts book too" Dustan's voice chimes in "You're not suppose to be reading it without a professor's supervision"
"Professor Silvery gave me permission" Gabriel explains
Hermione is pouting "please come down"
Gabriel looks down seemingly entranced by her before his head snaps back "Not even you enchantress can sway me"
"Let's just leave him" Trever sighs "We can come back"

"America let's you learn dark arts?" Lady Potter asks "It's the dark arts though"

"With professor's supervision until sixth year" Anna exclaims "Gabriel can't wait; says that he and a couple friends are planning on joining that awful dark arts club that every Thunderbird is in"

"What the bloody hell is a thunderbird?" Malfoy asks

"Right" the older Malfoy says "Thunderbird is the Iverymore version of a Slytherin; they align with communication, travel, intelligence, and freedom. Basically there all intelligent and temperamental"

"that sounds more like Ravenclaw" Harry says

"Or Gryffindor" Malfoy follows

"I take offense" Aberax says "Us Wampus could never.....we're like Gryffindor. We deal with prosperity, wealth, strength, and death"

"He says we meaning those two" Nathan chimes in "a Wampus can be descried as argumentative but fiercely loyal. I on the other hand am a Horned serpent or a Ravenclaw"

"A bunch of loving smart asses" the older Malfoy twin says "They go on Compassion, love, healing, and psychism"

"So.....you seem to have a problem with Thunderbirds" Lord Malfoy says "What's wrong with them"

"They're all racists" Aberax gives "Rich racists"

"Don't worry, Gabriel has a problem with Wampus" Anna tells "He says they're all a bunch of idiot boxers. He told me once that arguing with one was like arguing with a brick wall"

"Oh he did" Aberax says "I'll show him brick wall"

Nathan and Anna groan "do you two always have to fight? Remember who won last time?"

The last hopeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora