The last hope

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our third child is starting Hogwarts today

maybe before you would like to know what happened with everyone in the last nineteen years?

Arthur and Molly, loving grandparents to Eighteen wonderful kids, are still around. They love being grandparents which means they get to spoil and then send home

Bill married Fleur Delacour; they had three kids named Victoire, Dominique, and Louis. Victoire was close with our oldest son

Charlie married another dragon tamer but had no kids. Although, he does love to come down to be cool uncle Charlie

Percy, who is very high up ministry worker, married a women from the Ministry name Audrey; producing two kids Molly and Lucy

George, still an unspeakable, married Angela Johnson; they had a set twins named Freddie and Roxanne

Ron, who runs the joke shop and has for years, married Lavender Brown but we all saw that coming; They had two very lovely children Roselyn Lavender Weasley and Hugo Ronald Weasley

Jaxton, an auror, married Anna, a healer, who had Tyler Jason Black, a fifth year gryffindor who much to the laughter of Harry, Jaxton, and I was made Prefect

Lucius and Narcissa are loving grandparents to not only Draco, a healer, and Astoria, who is a mediwitch that's how they met, kid Scorpius but to Aberax(a politician) and Pansy(Stay at home mom) Perkins kids Leo, Caelum, Corvus, and Aries. Leo is a Ravenclaw fifth year, Caelum and Corvus two twins are both Gryffindor third years, and little Aries who is a shoe in for Slytherin is a first year this year. Aberax made up with everyone a couple years after the war

Nathan(Runes master) married Susan (head of some department at the Ministry) Bones and had Amelia and Edgar. Amelia is a second year Hufflepuff and Edgar starts this year. Nathan recons he's going to be a Ravenclaw like him.

Neville(Herbology Professor and head of Gryffindor at Hogwarts) married Hannah(Charms Professor and head of Hufflepuff at Hogwarts) and they also had two kids; Frank, a third year Gryffindor and Alice who is probably going to be Hufflepuff.

Harry(head auror) and Ginny(Writes sports section for daily prophet) got married and had three kids, well, four if you count Teddy. Teddy is a seventh year in Hufflepuff. He's a sweet kid. James Sirius is a Gryffindor Third year, Albus Severus who is close friends with my son also starting this year, and then Lily Luna who is definatly going to be a Gryffindor with that fiery temper like mum and Ginny

then there is Hermione (the minister of magic I'm so proud) and I (I became a full time Potions master the supply's much of this side of the worlds potions) got married shortly after the war. We have four kids; Severus John a seventh year head boy in Slytherin. He's very much like his grandfather with all the brooding. Jasmine Lily is a fifth year prefect for Gryffindor; she looks exactly like her mother but acts like me. Remus James is going to be a first year this year who acts a lot like his uncle Harry. Although, there is no doubt that he will get into Slytherin because James Sirius bet him he couldn't. He has honey brown eyes like his mother and curly black hair like me. The last one we have is Jean Hermione, a nine year old with a temper just like her mothers. She wants to be a Ravenclaw.

Harry, Ginny, Ron, Lavender, Hermione, and I are standing together

Remus James comes walking up with James Sirius "That the deal; I get into Slytherin and you don't prank me ever again"

Albus Severus groans "I really hate you two"

Severus John laughs before taking off with Teddy and Victoire

"Yup" James Sirius says "Not like you're going to be able to get the hat to do it"

"You two are impossible" Jasmine sighs going towards Leo Malfoy and Domonique Weasley who are also prefects

"He still going to do it?" Freddie asks appearing behind James Sirius and Remus James

"Yes" Remus James states "Prepare to eat my dust"

"Of course" either Corvus or Caelum says

I can never tell the difference

"Come on, Remus" Albus Severus groans "We have to find Aries, Edgar, and Rose"

they leave

which prompts the pile of Gryffindor third years to leave

"Can't I go" Jean asks

"We'll be good" Lily Luna joins in

"Real good" Hugo says

"not yet" Harry laughs "don't worry soon enough you'll be there to bug your siblings"

"Enjoy being a kid" Ron tells "You'll actually be able too"

"We never got too" I say "None of us"

"We know" Lily Luna groans "you all tell us all the time"

"By the way did you ever find Remus's pet snake?" Mia questions

"Nope" I pop "Couldn't find it"

"really" Ron agrees

"He brought us in to help him search" Harry groans "we looked everywhere"

"What did you do" Hermione says putting her arms over her chest

"Conjured a new snake" I shrug "it was the last hope"

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