The First Incident

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Mia and I do not get enough alone time

I might be a little biased because I think I never have enough time with her

Mia ditched me for her two Gryffindor idiots

Jaxton and Tyler drug me down to Hogsmeade

Draco and Potter have an awkward encounter when Ferret leaves

"Did we have to get the spot where I can clearly see Weaslette and Thomas exchanging spit?" Jaxton asks gagging

"Why are you watching?" I ask

Tyler starts laughing "he has you there"

"Slughorn" Jax says "ten o'clock"

I look over to see him walking over from Potter's table

"Why is this man obsessed with me?" I mutter

he's over now

"Hello, sir" I smirk

"I was wondering if you would be interested in coming to a little meeting on Friday?" he asks

"I would be honored" I answer then he walks away

"Can we leave?" Jaxton asks "I have a meeting with dad, Potter, Uncle James, and Uncle Remus"

"me too" Tyler says

I get up "Severus and I are meeting up too"

we end up right behind the golden trio

I sneak up behind Mia taking her in my arms

she squeals when she see's me "I missed you"

"You literally were just kissing like it was the last time you would see each other like two hours ago" Potter says

"that's too long" Mia says with a kiss

some girl flies up in the air ahead of us and then falls

I, of course, have to jump into action

with an inspection of the necklace I know there is a very dark curse on there

"Don't touch the necklace" I instruct "Tyler, levitate the girl; you'll need to get her to the Infirmary quickly"

I levy the necklace as Potter, Ron, and Mia follow me

I try to go to Dumbledore but it seems he's not around so I go to the Deputy Headmistress

"Ma'am" I say once I walk in the classroom "We have a bit of a situation, and I think you should call Professor Snape"

"What is it?" she asks growing more confused as the three follow me in

"This girl-" I start

"Katy Bell" Potter interrupts

"Ms. Bell" I amend "Had this necklace but then she flew up in the air before collapsing. In my Dark Arts class we learned that objects can be enchanted to kill with various types of curses. Last year we learned about the blood curse; I believe this is it"

she blinks at me "I'll Floo Severus"

he walks in the office and sighs when he see's me "What did my son do?"

"Thanks for the confidence, Severus" I snicker "How do we know Potter didn't do it?"

"Mr. Snape very well may have saved Katy Bell's life" McGonagall says showing the necklace

he inspects it as well

"Ms. Bell is lucky to be alive" Severus drawls "What exactly happened?"

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