Snape Pt. 3

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Sebastian's pov.

most everyone went to bed leaving Jax, Ty, and I alone

"So" Jax starts his shit "Are you going to go with them or ditch?"

"I really don't know" I say "On one hand I could leave the KKK but then I'll just be jumping into the Death Eaters"

"Let's way the pros and cons" Ty suggests

"Pros- we will be there, you get to learn from they Severus Snape, and the most important one; Granger is there" Jax lists

"Cons-I have parents to listen too, I have to deal with Potter, and my favorite professors won't be there"

"You only have to listen to one of them" Ty says "They're separated. If you do go I would pick your father; think of all the things you could learn from that man. Potter might be an idiot but he can be dealt with. Finally, you can wright them and meet up"

"I'll think about it" I groan "Halo?"

we start playing

minutes later Severus comes over sitting on the couch

once the game ends I stand "Severus, why don't you come with me"

he follows

we walk in my office "this is my office. Do us both a favor and don't look through anything"

Severus looks around

"I know it's boring" I give "This is where I meet with those people"

I sit down in my rolly chair as he sits in the others

"You don't seem the type to just invite people into your office without a reason" Severus drawls "What's the reason"

"Can I say how glad I am you are not an idiot?" I start with "This is an olive branch; I want to get to know you"

Severus takes a look at my book shelf

oh shit

all seven of his books are there

"These are my books" he purrs at me

that brings on a bit of a blush "I'm your biggest fan, I guess"

"I would love to get to know you" Severus finally says

"Great" I whisper "I was not going to live near Potter"

he chuckles "Twenty questions?" then smirks

"Is that the signature Snape smirk?" I question

"Oh" he rumbles "I didn't know Ms. Granger was a Snape"

"She will be if I have my way" I fire off "Hermione Snape; sounds nice"

Severus doesn't say anything "What is your favorite book? Mine is The Dark Arts volume III"

"That's tough" I sigh "It would be a tossup between a muggle novel Oliver Twist and A Guide to Medieval Sorcery"

"A charms book?" Severus teases "I would have thought it would have been a Potions or Dark Arts book"

"I like history" I shrug "It's fascinating"

"Favorite subject to learn?" I ask "Mine is the Dark Arts"

"Potions" he answers briskly "What made you start being around Black and Lupin?"

"They understand what it's like to be stuck doing something you really don't want to do" I say "And they will do anything I say. Did you really not know about me?"

"If I would have known about you I would have came and got you" Severus says "Why did you become.... and break up with Ms. Granger"

"I had to accept my spot in the organization or they would kill her" I tell "I couldn't make it if she died. Why did you become a death eater?"

"I was young and foolish" Severus sighs "I was wrong....why don't you hang around your other friends anymore?"

"The spot" I tell "It came with a couple conditions like not being around black supporters. Plus between you and me they're all boring."

Severus smiles "I think Ms. Granger is here to steal you from me"

Mia walks in, grabs my shirt, and leads me back to my room

"Lioness" I whisper once in the room "are you awake"

I just get a nod

she takes me jeans and shirt off leaving me in just my boxers

then Mia pushes me into the bed before cuddling up on my side


I put my arms around her

can't wait to hear what she has to say in the morning

Severus pov.

Lily walks in to the living room where we all are "Where is our son" she asks me

"Or Mione" Potter Jr. questions

"Last night, Sebastian and I were conversing when a drowsy looking Ms. Granger came and stole him"

"WHAT SHE IS WITH THAT GIT" Potter Jr. yells

an irate looking Ms. Granger in only a black shirt pops up on the top of the stairs with a smirking Sebastian with only boxers on "shut it, Harry James Potter"

Sebastian flips him off before holding Ms. Grangers hips

this sets off Potter Jr. more

"Could you not dry hump Granger in front of us" Black asks "grease head"

"You better shut up, mutt" Sebastian calls "I'll get the dog whistle out"

Ms. Granger sighs "we need to get dressed"

"If you insists" Sebastian pouts "I think you look edible in my shirt"

she scoffs grabbing the front of his boxers pulling him away

before the door shuts we hear "Lioness, if you wanted my snake all you had to do was ask" then a yelp of pain

Potter laughs "You can say a lot about that kid but I have to admit he has style"

Lucius laughs also "I wonder if he'll come out dressed like Severus"

"Not with Mia here" the Potter girl says "she'll pick out his clothes"

they walk back down the stairs

they walk back down the stairs

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