Snape pt. 4

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"Mione I didn't know you owned a black hoodie and black beanie" Potter Jr. says

"She doesn't" Sebastian sighs "She took them out of my closet; rip hoodie, rip beanie"

"She'll give them back" the youngest Longbottom and Potter Jr. says

"Is Hogwarts filled with virgins?" Sebastian asks "You two have obviously never had a girlfriend. They take your clothes, your time, your money, and your energy. They never give them back either; they just own them"

"Isn't that the truth" Aberax mumbles

the female Potter twin slaps him but Aberax only chuckles

"Anyway, I got the stupid thing off early this morning" Sebastian says "we can leave now"

"Where's your stuff" Lily asks

he stares at her "are you a witch?"

Granger slaps his arm

"Ow" he says rubbing the spot "sorry, Lily, I shrunk them; they're in my pocket"

"Where are Black and Lupin?" the eldest Longbottom asks

"They left" my son tells "Something about moving in with there fathers"


Sebastian's Pov.

"Ah, my young American's" Dumbledork says

this man has been trying to get his hooks in me for years

"You win" I say "We will need to talk"

"You know him" Nathan asks "More secrets"

I shrug

"Let's get on with the sorting" Dumbledore says

Aberax goes first

"GRYFFINDOR" the hat calls out not surprisingly

Annabelle put the hat on


then it's Nathan


I put the hat on

'I will need into your head to sort you'

you have five seconds


I open up my mind

"SLYTHERIN" the hat calls out

"I will need Severus and Sebastian to stay" Dumbledore tells

they all leave like sheep being herded

"What have you seen?" Albus, he doesn't deserve to be called his last name, asks

"How did I guess that would be your first question" I grumble "Draco will be tasked to kill you by summer's end, but Severus here ends up doing it. If you would like I can do it; I would love too"

"Why am I just letting myself die?" Albus asks

I don't say anything "There are somethings I can't say"

Albus nods "I would like for you to become another spy"

"NO" Severus disagrees loudly

"Severus" I sigh "To win a war sacrifices have to be made"

"You're just a kid" he murmurs

internally I'm rolling my eyes "I've done far worse things at a younger age"

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