Back to Hogwarts

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Hermione and I decided not to inform people about our impending marriage

I was against this idea because I wanted to show it off before I die but I couldn't tell her that I was going to die so here we are

We've been here a month and Draco's dumb ass still won't except my help

he's going to get us both killed

right now I'm in Professor Slughorn's office, he's obsessed with Harry and I, Dumbledore wants us to play it out so whatever

"Mr. Snape-" he starts

"Sebastian" I say "Please"

his smile grows bigger "Sebastian, How is it you know so much about potions? With you not having met Severus until this year"

"I had a potions professor I was very close with; one of three professor's I was close with actually. She gave me extra lessons outside of class" I reveal

duh, I'm surrounded by idiots with only my Lioness to help me

there's a knock on the door

"I hope its not Mr. Potter again" Slughorn groans

that's interesting; I thought he was just as obsessed with Potter as he is me

"sir" I start "Why would you not want it to be Potter; I mean I get it. I was under they impression that you liked him"

"He's trying to get something" Slughorn grumbles "Would you mind going to the door"

opening the door it is indeed Potter and Ron

Ron's acting weird though

"Why are you here?" Potter asks

I lift an eyebrow "I don't know? Why would I be here, Idiot" then I look over at Ron "What's wrong with him?"

"Ron ate the potion'd chocolate Romilda Vain gave me" Potter explains

I open the door allowing them to come in

walking back in I look to Slughorn "May I use your potion's kit; Ron's has ingested a rather strong love potion"

"Of course" he says

going over I whip up the antidote "Drink Ron"

"Where's Romilda" Ron asks

with a huff I hold it out "I'll take you to Romilda if you drink this"

that's when he finally drinks "I feel bad"

"You were drugged" I explain then laugh "Probably shouldn't eat chocolate give to Potter; you know how his rabid fan girls are"

"What you need is a pick me up" Slughorn announces pouring mead in four glasses

when Ron drinks he passes out then he starts fizzing out the mouth and flopping around

grabbing a bozar I stuff it down his throat as I add the second love potion towards Hermione

HE will keep her safer then I can

I've been dosing her slower as she might be able to tell

that's when we go to the infirmary

about ten minutes later Hermione comes in and grab Ron's hand

then Brown comes flying in "What is she doing here"

"I could ask you the same thing" Hermione snaps

"I happen to be his girlfriend" the blonde bimbo huffs

oh cat fight

"I happen to be his.....friend" she responds

well, at least we know it's working

Ron starts mumbling something over and over again until its an addible "Hermione"

ok this is awkward now

turning I walk out the door and to the common room

Draco is there so I go over "Ready now"

"Yes" he sobs "I'm sorry"

grabbing him I take him to the Room of Requirements"

after uncovering the vanishing cabinet I let him go "You need to mend this to get more Death Eaters here. Don't worry about killing the headmaster because you won't be doing it"

he just stares at me "What you mean?"

I give him a look "Don't worry about it"

that's when we go our separate ways

at dinner Hermione takes the final dose of the love potion

I go up to her afterwards

she's staring at Ron which is infuriating

"We need to break up" I state

then she finally fucking looks at me "WHY?"

oh maybe her love for me goes deeper then the love potion can handle

"I don't want you anymore" I shrug "It was fun for a bit but not anymore" then walks away leaving her in tears

Ron and Potter are glaring at me

" broke up with her" Jaxton says "She'll understand after the war"

when I'm dead

"How long till we don't get to see you again" Tyler questions silently

"Three weeks" I whisper "give or take a few days"


tonight it was happening

Draco had finished mending the cabinet and the headmaster will be weak from the horcrux hunting

the clock strikes midnight causing me to get out of bed and walk towards the Astronomy tower

Potter is hiding on a lower level of the tower

he see's me causing me to put my finger to my lips signaling him to keep quiet

Draco is putting on a show

"Stop" I instruct

the Death Eaters look at me

"Sebastian, please" Dumbledore whispers

raising my wand I say "Arvada Kadavra" causing a green light to shoot out of my wand at him making him fall off the tower

that's when we make our way to the exit

Bellatrix and Grayback causing mayhem everywhere

when we get outside Potter catches up

"He trusted you" he yells at me

Bellatrix sends a Crucio at him

"NO" I boom "He is for the dark lord"

she starts pouting and walks away

"Fight back" Potter shouts "Fight back, you coward" that's when he sends Severus cutting curse at me

I deflect it "How dare you use Severus cutting curse at me" that's when I subdue him walking over

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