The Dark Lord

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Standing up everyone looks at me

"Where are you going?" mom questions

"To take a walk" I gulp trying to get out "I'll be going to Severus's house afterwards. Hermione, I love you so much but I need some time to work on a better solution"

"I understand" she says "you will wright?"

"Of course" I assure kissing her then leaving

I apparate to Malfoy manor where it's him, Draco, and Severus

"Sebastian" snake face says "What took you so long?"

"I had to make my way through a house of blood traitors and mudbloods, my lord" I tell "I apologize for my tardiness"

"Apology accepted" he smiles creepily at me "My little seer. Draco, how is the Dumbledore situation going?"

"I haven't gotten very far" he gulps

"You adolescent boy" he booms "I need Dumbledore dead; your just like your father"

Merlin, I can't believe I'm about to do this

"My lord" I interrupt "Draco and myself have a plan"

he calms some "Explain"

"If Dumbledick believes that Draco cannot kill him then his guard will be down" I explain "I am currently fixing the vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirements; This vanishing cabinet has a brother located at Borgin and Burkes"

"My little seer" he leers at me like I'm a toy "Eternally making me happy. I can not let it be seen that there was no punishment; one of you will get tortured today"

seriously, that was really good

with an eternal sigh I speak up "My lord, Malfoy's always break under torture. You need Draco to be on his toes and besides he has been acting on my orders. This is my fault; I made this plan and told Draco not to do anything"

Draco looks at me wide eyed

"I see" the Dark Lord hisses "Draco, you may leave"

he leaves in an awful hurry

"I have decided Sebastian will be the one to kill Dumbledore if Draco cannot" no-nose says "I find him more loyal"

Severus looks like he might pass out

"Sebastian" the idiot says "You do not look surprised"

"I was made aware of this months ago" I reveal "I will fulfil your wishes as you see fit"

Voldey nods smiling "as it should be. Severus, you only need to worry about spying"

"Yes, my lord" he whispers pale

"wait outside" the Dark Lord instructs

the moment Severus steps outside I hear "Crucio"

he's an idiot if he thinks he can hurt me more then him

"Bella" Voldey calls

that's when the nut starts her torture

she's good but nothing I can't take

at the end the dark lord Crucio's

Severus comes back in picking me up


I wake up in a lot of pain

then I notice I'm in my room at Severus's house and that I'm covered in cuts and bruises

once I finally get down stairs I find Severus in the kitchen

"Finally awake?" he inquires "How do you feel?"

"Like I should be dead" I yawn "How long have I been asleep?"

"Four days" he drawls "I didn't know if you were going to wake up"

"Hermione's going to be pissed" I groan "I have to go back to Grimmauld"

he gives me a look "no, you're going to sit, eat, and let me calm down; I thought you were dying"

I take a seat "I'm sorry for worrying you"

"It was awful Gryffindorish of you to take Draco's punishment" Severus says "and foolish"

"Draco would have broke" I tell "We both know he's not strong enough for that"

he hums "Slow down"

"Mia" I whine a little like a child would "She's going to be so mad at me"

Severus sighs "alright go; I'll see you when term starts. I have to go back to the school anyway"

after I step outside I apparate landing on the front step of Grimmauld

opening the door I rush in going towards the kitchen to find Mrs. Weasley

"Where's Hermione?" I ask

"Where have you been" she questions "Where did those bruises and cuts come from?"

"Hermione" is all I say

"Your two's room" Mrs. Weasley sighs "She hasn't left it for about two days"

I dart up the stairs knocking on the door

"Go away" her teary voice says

"Lioness" I whisper "I'm sorry"

the door opens

she slaps me for, kisses me, and then hugs me

that got the rest of the groups attention

"What happened to you?" Ron asks "You look like death fried over"

Jaxton and Tyler make eye contact with me

"Did he find you?" Jaxton jumps

oh yes "Yes, don't worry I took care of it"

"Are you okay?" Anna asks

"He's fine" Tyler snaps "he's always fine"

Hermione hasn't spoken yet

I look apon her "I'm so sorry"

she grabs my shirt pulling me in the room then whips out her wand "The room is spelled; you will be telling me the truth"

oh shit

"That is the truth" I try

she gives me a look "Do you think I'm stupid?"

giving up I sit on the bed letting my glamour fall from my arm

"YOUR A DEATH EATER?" she yells tearing up "HOW COULD YOU? I'M A MUGGLE BORN. DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME?" now she's balling

"Lioness" I start "I'm a spy"

she stops balling now but is still crying "what?"

"A spy like Severus" I state "To help with the order. Something is about to happen that you might hate me for Hermione"

"What?" she asks "What are you going to do?"

I don't look at her "Do you trust me?"

"Yes" she says "Always"

"I can't tell you" I give "Just know that everything I do is for you"

she kisses me "You are not leaving this room"

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