Blonde one's

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Draco's pov.

Uncle wakes us up before the sun does

"Why are we up so early" the younger Potter male wines

I scowl at his direction

he has absolutely no decorum


"He has a point" the elder Potter male says

at least we know where the younger Potter gets his lack of decorum

"We have to track Aberax" uncle Severus says "I have gathered some information from Ms. Granger that is incredibly helpful"

"How well do you know them, Ms. Granger" Father asks her

"Well enough" she whispers

after breakfast we go to this community of mansions

a dirty blonde boy with shorts on is running

He's obviously mental because it's still dark

"That is Mr. McCollom" uncle Severus says

"How are we going to get to him" Mother asks

I mean...we could just go speak to him

"Draco will go" Uncle says confirming the theory that he's absolutely mad

why can't we all just go over and talk to him


with a big huff I start running towards him

it ends with us crashing into each other

that's going to be a big bruise

Looking up at him he's smirking at me

he picks my entire self up with one arm "Sorry, man" then lets go of me "I haven't seen you before; what's your name?"

"Draco" I say "What's your name?"

"Trever McCollom" he says "I live around the corner"

"I've never met anyone who runs this early" I tell which is the truth

"Draco" he laughs at me "I saw you with that group over there. I don't see why you couldn't just come over and talk to me"

"That's what I wondered" I agree

Trever goes to walk over about half way he looks at me "Coming?" least he isn't stupid

"Hello" he says "What can I do for you all?"

"You're not a McCollom" Granger spits

"Thanks for the observation" Trever snickers "Gabriel will be thrilled to see you Mia"

Granger rolls her eyes "We're not getting back together"

I think different from what I've seen so far

"We'll see" he says "Gabriel always gets what he wants no matter who gets hurt in the process. I know I'm not a McCollom"

"You're a Malfoy" Mother blurts out

"Aberax Scorpius Malfoy" Father tells "Heir to the Malfoy fortune"

"Well" Trever starts "I did not expect that"

Uncle takes off Trever's glamor which now makes him Aberax

"I am hot" Aberax admires himself "as hell"

"Your a Gryffindor then" The elder Potter says

"I had no idea that expressing one's emotions was a quality of.....what did you call it.....oh yes a Gryffindor. Whatever that is" He says "I prefer to go by Abe"

"When is the best time to talk to Anna Reeves, Dustan Whitworth, and Gabriel Wiecken?" Uncle asks

"Anna and Dustan can be caught at their house any time but Gabriel is another story" Abe tells us "He could literally be anywhere; he doesn't like to be held anywhere"

"Go pack what you need" Father instructs "You will be coming with us"

"Who told you I was going?" Abe asks "I have things here to do"

"You're coming" Father growls

Abe purses his lips "I don't really have a choice. I look too different but I will not conform to your whims"

we walk into the biggest mansion on the lot

a short dirty blonde man storms down the stairs "Who are you"

"No one" Abe says holding up a hand "Go back to sleep"

the short man turns around marching back up the stairs

"What was that?" Longbottom asks

"It's a simple version of an Imperio" Abe says looking at us "don't give me that look. You're in America"

"You didn't even say anything though" the younger Potter says

"As American's we're always in a state of panic and fear" Abe explains "In Iverymore we are taught wandless and wordless magic so that we can go around unnoticed"

he leads us to a big room

the room is bigger then mine

"Welcome to my room" Abe says "Sorry about the mess; Anna likes to mess up my room every time she comes over"

"Why was she over last night" Lord Potter interrogates

"Why do you care?" Abe asks "If you must know she's my girlfriend"

"Her name is Annabelle Lily Potter" Lady Potter informs him

"Oh" Abe laughs "don't worry, Gabriel would kill me if I touched or looked at her in anyway she didn't want"

Mother and Father get a letter

"We have to go" Father says "I trust you, Severus, with Aberax and Draconis"

"Of course" uncle drawls

they vanish

"They always like that?" Abe asks

I nod

Uncle and then the Potter's vanish

"So.....what do you all want to do?" he asks "We can't get to Anna until tomorrow" Abe smirks "What about the creek?"

"I'm not sure your pureblood perfect brother could lower himself to do that" Granger says

I can do anything Abe can do but better

although, maybe I should find out what that is "What is a creek?"

Abe laughs "You'll find out. We need to go shopping for bathing suits, well, except for Mia. Gabriel still has some of yours in that tree"

Granger blushes a deep red

we go to a store called dollar general buy bathing suits and leave

then he takes us to a bunch of things he calls cars

after pilling in Abe rubs two wires together and it starts

Another person comes out yelling but we're already gone

my father will not be hearing about this

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