Burning Question

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Vale stood in the middle of the ship, suddenly self-conscious. Her thigh was severely burned, her arms were covered in scratches, her clothes were splattered in several people's blood, her mouth tasted of bile, and she had just been praised for her violence. Sky looked back at her, his ocean eyes unreadable. They flickered to the corners of the room and back to her before he turned and walked out of the room, motioning for her to follow. 

He led her through a small door into a large plush bedroom. Vale's eyes went wide, her cheeks burning in embarrassment. Sky shot her an amused expression before he motioned to the bathroom door, off to the left. I assumed you would want to get cleaned up, he signed. But good to know what's on your mind.

Vale barreled past him, too flustered to offer up a snide remark. As she turned to slam the door, she caught Sky's mischievous smile and felt her heart stumble over itself. Then, shutting him out, she collapsed onto the ground and took a moment to calm herself. She had spotted the cameras that Sky had pointed out with his eyes in the main room. There hadn't been any in the bedroom that she had seen. But listening devices were a strong possibility. 

Sky had brought her to the only room where she had privacy. Yanking the knob for the faucet, she watched the water roar to life. Lowering herself back to the floor, Vale placed her head against the wall and allowed herself a moment to cry. She felt herself break, the noise muffled by the water. 

She covering her face with her hands, she saw the blood, caked across her hands. Reigns blood.  The image of Reign, her eyes pleading as she begged Vale to contact her family shattered the last bit of strength Vale had. She cried, fingers pressed against her mouth, trying to keep her sorrow silent. 

A shadow crossed her face as Sky bent down in front of her, closing the door behind him. He pulled her fingers away from her face, his hands firm, and gently wiped them down with a warm washcloth. He washed the blood from her hands, his movements slow, and full of unspoken tenderness. 

He rubbed the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs and slowly washed away the blood. Placing the washcloth in the sink, he crouched down before her again. Want to talk about it?  Vale shook her head, unable to look at him. 

Sky nodded and stood back up. Moving past her, he turned off the faucet and turned on the shower. The room filled with steam, the mist clinging to Vale's skin and sending a cold shiver down her spine. Sky gently took her hand and pulled her to her feet and turned her around towards the shower. 

Vale blinked and raised a brow at Sky. They stared at each other for a long moment. "Are you going to stay...or?" Sky suddenly blushed, his face blooming a deep, breathtaking red that made Vale stare at him in awe. The color made his eyes even more striking.  

His eyes were twin storms as he looked away. No. Of course not. I just... wanted to help. 

He turned to leave but stopped, frozen in place when Vale gripped his hand. She kept her eyes averted as she spoke again. "Thank you, Sky..." He nodded, and after a firm squeeze of her hand, he left her alone. 

Vale had never been so thankful for a shower. The hot water hitting her skin and erasing all evidence of her past misdeeds. The swirl of water down the drain turned from crimson to clear. After scrubbing her body and scalp several times, Vale pulled a thick soft towel around her and left the shower. Drying her hair with an extra towel, Vale spotted a long blue robe and pulled it on before hesitantly leaving the bathroom. 

Sky wasn't in the bedroom, which Vale was thankful for as she rummaged through the room for something to wear. She found a large button-up grey shirt and a pair of large sweatpants. Rolling the legs of her pants up several times, she adjusted the waistband by knotting the cords tightly around her waist. There wasn't much she could do about the shirt, the shoulders were far too big and kept falling down her left shoulder. 

Leaving the room, she found Sky sitting in the main room, face buried in a book. She leaned in the doorway, watching him for a long moment, taking in the sight of him. 

His sky eyes burned down the page, flickering with intense curiosity as he read, golden brows furrowed in concentration. Vale took in his strong jaw, his lips pursed in a gentle smile, amused by the text. The way he pushed his blond locks out of his face with a flash of irritation at the shortened length. 

She wanted to memorize him in this calm, moment. Trace every feature in her mind before the world snatched him away again. She knew it was a fragile thing. Every moment with him was. So she stared, drinking him in. Vale let out an unsteady breath and at the sound, Sky looked up, startled by her presence. 

He took her in, his eyes transforming into two wild currents. He swallowed and shut his book, placing it gently on the table next to him. How long have you been standing there?

Vale adjusted the shirt, doing her best to hide her shoulder as the material slipped over it again. "Just a few seconds," Vale admitted. "Good book?" 

Sky blinked, seeming to forget what he had been doing a moment before. Then with some effort, he remembered and offered a nod. Standing, he took several steps towards her before stopping a foot away. Where do you want to go? 


He motioned to the space around them with a wave of his hand. The ship. We can go anywhere you want, so long as we are back to the Devinus castle before breakfast.

"Oh." She seemed to have forgotten how to form words with him standing so close. His eyes on hers. "I'm open to suggestions." 

Nodding, Sky moved out of the opposite door and into the control room. Vale felt the tilt of the ship as it changed trajectories. "Where are we going?" Vale asked when Sky returned. 

You'll find out soon. Taking her hand, he led her out of the room, through the bedroom and into a room behind it she hadn't seen earlier. The entire room was made of glass, giving the illusion of standing among the stars. Vale gasped as she looked around, shocked. 

Sky seemed pleased by her reaction. I know you don't like small spaces, I thought this might help if you get claustrophobic. Vale was touched by the thoughtfulness. Sky sat down on a love seat, motioning to the spot next to him. There are no cameras or listening devices in here. I checked.

Vale felt glued to the spot where she stood, afraid to move closer. Not trusting herself to think clearly. She had so many questions and she was afraid that if she sat down a breath away from him she would forget how to put words together. "Why did you go back Sky?" Vale asked aloud.

The question had burned inside of her for so long that even as his face transformed into one of deep pain, Vale did not regret her question. He shook his head, a sad smile crossing his face. It doesn't matter. 

Vale stared at him, a look of disbelief on her face. "Of course, it matters." Vale's voice rose. "All of this matters! Why does this competition exist? Why do all of these girl's parents do this? Why do they send them to—." Vale took a breath, forcing her voice to even. "Why do they send them to die!" Vale shouted, angry and heartbroken over the lives she couldn't save. Over the lives, she had destroyed. Over the girls who had been thrown into a cruel trap that should have never happened. 

Sky stood to his feet, his hands choppy, full of angry rage as he answered. Because he has spent the last twenty years, since the last competition, collecting... His eyes filled with the first hint of tears, glistening in the low light. Collecting blackmail on each Elite family. Things so unspeakable that they would rather send their children to be slaughtered than to admit that any of it is true.

Sky ran his fingers through his hair, fingers hovering over the ends, grabbing for invisible strands, still unaccustomed to the shortened length. That is what this world is. Teck controls everything. Every choice you make is mapped by tech. Each payment traced by tech. Each interaction remembered by tech. Nothing is safe! None of us are safe! Not when my grandfather has the key to who we truly are! Lost, terrified monsters with no way out! 

Sky collapsed onto the couch, his hands shaking. Mortem had enough common sense to be untouchable. Why do you think he's survived this long. His paranoia is warranted. It has saved him at every turn. 

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