Plan B

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There was no longer a reason to be careful. No reason to care. And with that came a dangerous level of reckless freedom. Vale who normally was so careful to keep a cap on her electrical output, unleashed it, urging it to surge across her body and shoot the AI in a wild frenzy of rage. 

She hated that she hadn't learned to control her power well. That she hadn't been able to risk using it in a room where everything could spark out of control if she had attacked the AI with her normal battering ram level strength.

It doesn't matter. It's time to burn this place to the ground. The AI crumbled into a pool of hot liquid metal under her powerful blast. Shoving the gear that Dash gave her into place, Vale turned it three times and began to mentally count down.

Eight minutes and counting... then this place will fall from the sky.

Adjusting the ship's course to assure it would be over water when it inevitably exploded, Vale turned her anger on the locked door. She rammed into it, shoving her arm, covered in crackling light through the door. It fell away like tissue under her angry electrical touch, melting away. Slipping through the opening, Vale ran down the hall, no longer afraid. No longer hiding.

Vale spotted Pavi as the girl dashed into the hall. She saw Vale and gestured further down the hall. "They took him to the medical bay."

Vale nodded. "Thank you!" Then came to a halt. "Get out of this ship. It's not going to last more than seven minutes."

Pavi nodded promising to get out as many people as she could, seeming unsurprised by the turn of events. The two girls split up, running in opposite directions, unsure if they would ever see the other again.

Vale ran into the medical bay and found Sky pinned to an examination table by several AI's. One held a knife above his open shirt, revealing the metal plate that sat above his mechanical heart. "Step away from him," Vale warned, her metal arm snarling.

"An adjustment has been ordered," the four AI's responded in unison.

Vale wracked her brain for a sassy retort but was too angry to come up with something clever. So instead she swore and launched across the room, crashing into the AI closest to Sky. Tackling it to the ground, Vale shoved her knife into its mouth, pulsing it full of electricity.

Vale watched it sputter and die below her. Sky was already on his feet. Grabbing an AI's arm, he swung it around and slammed it into another. Vale ducked as both AI's stumbled backwards and flipped over her. Transforming her arm into a sword, she cut off both of their heads.

Sky was struggling with the final AI. Shoving it against the examination table, he plucked up a pair of medical scissors and shoved them into the AI's hand, pinning it to the table. Jumping back, Sky avoided the AI's attempt to grab him with its free arm.

The AI attempted to rip its arm free. But its hand was pinned to a table that was bolted to the floor. The AI reached out with its free hand, crushed its other arm, and pulled what was left, free. Sparks shot across the room and Sky stumbled back, away from the live wires. Vale yanked him out of the room, slamming the door shut behind them. She punched the door scanner, cutting off all escape for the AI.

Spinning, she grabbed Sky's hand, ready to pull him down the hallway. "We gotta go and I'm not taking no for an answer." Sky pulled to a stop and shook his head. "Sky," Vale warned.

I will die if I leave.

"You are going to die if you stay!" Vale shouted, beyond all ability to be calm. "The ship is going down Sky."

Sky's eyes went wide, his face going pale. What did you do?

"Plan B," Vale whispered. "I was given a job. I failed." She crushed her guilt and continued. "And now this place is going down." She gripped his fingers, tugging him with her. Reluctantly, he followed. 

Vale's thoughts turned to the message she had sent Mortem and hoped he had received it in time to get what was needed to save Sky. "I have a plan for you. To keep you safe."

She could sense Sky's confusion, but before Vale could explain her intentions, a rumble sent them both moving faster. They sprinted down the hall, side by side desperate to get off the soon-to-be destroyed castle.

As Vale ran by windows, she scanned the sky, looking for Mortem, hoping once again that he got her message. Another rumble behind them threw Sky and Vale forward. A chandelier behind them crashed to the ground spraying glittering daggers of glass everywhere.

Vale pulled Sky behind her and transformed her arm into a shield as another explosion hit, throwing them through a nearby window and out into the open sky. Fire licked their ankles, consuming the hall in bright flames.

Vale spun wildly, trying to make sense of which way was up, her hair flapping wildly around her as she fell through the sky. A warm hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her into a pair of waiting arms. "Sky!" Vale shouted over the wind. Smoke filled her lungs and she coughed, blinking past the smoke.

A roar filled the air and after righting herself, Vale spotted a scrappy ship rip through the sky. Mortem! Vale's heart cheered, relieved. He had answered her call. The hatch at the back of the ancient-looking ship opened. Moving down quickly, it kept pace with the falling Vale and Sky, ready to swallow them aboard.

Vale spotted a set of wild black locks and emerald green eyes standing in the opening of the ancient beast. A beautiful blemish against an ugly rusty backdrop. The sight of Dash filled Vale with a mixture of relief and terrified tears. His eyes were steady on hers, anchoring her to sanity. Everything is going to be okay.

Transforming her arm into a hook, Vale swung it toward the ship. It hooked itself to the edge, and Dash hovered over it, ready to catch it if it didn't hold. A new sense of determination snaked around Vale as she felt the familiar tug against her arm. They were almost free. "Wrap your arms around me and hold on tight,'' she ordered. Vale was enveloped in warmth as he obeyed.

They were yanked to a halt right below the ship. Sky quickly scrambled up and with Dash's outstretched hand, climbed inside the hatch. Turning, Sky reached down to help Vale up, Dash beside him.

As they reached down to grip her human hand, another explosion ripped through the floating castle above and Sky gasped, falling to the ground of the hatch, clutching his chest in pain.

Dash froze, staring between Vale and Sky.

"Help him!" Vale shouted. "I can get up."

Dash dove into action, kneeling next to Sky. "I'll do what I can, Vale. Hold on. Kebar's tech adjustments are a nightmare to fix." Dash quickly unlatched the metal plate across Sky's chest and began to inspect the damage. "You sure you can pull yourself in?"

Vale nodded, transforming her hook back into her arm. "I got it." Reaching up with her human arm, she gripped the hatch with both hands and began to pull herself in.

A sudden yank on Vale's leg, caused her grip to slip slightly. Vale glanced down to see Kebar on a skymaran, an AI climbing up her leg in an attempt to pull her down. Vale gasped, her heart racing wildly.

Dash's head shot up, watching Vale's panicked expression. "I'm fine," Vale lied. 

Dash swore. "Stop lying." He moved to stand up, but Vale shook her head. "Save him Dash." Vale kicked out at the AI wildly, keeping her face calm as Dash turned back to Sky, his brows furrowing in frustration. 

"So stubborn!" Dash growled. He winced as he worked, opening and closing one of his hands.

Vale struggled to free herself, to keep herself calm as Dash worked on Sky. If he knew what was happening below, she was afraid that it would cost Sky's life.

The AI yanked again, its grip closing more tightly around Vale's leg. I'm going to die, Vale realized. I can't get up.

Sky suddenly gasped, shooting to a seated position. "Easy Sky. I'm not done." Dash said, pushing Sky back down.

Vale took advantage of Dash's attention on Sky and turned. Swinging her legs, she fought to get free but was rewarded with an angry yank. Her hands slipped and she slid out of the hatch, screaming. 

Lightning Bringer: (Lighting Seeker Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz