Kill Count

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"What are you doing here? He's listening to everything."

Dash crouched in front of her, shaking his head. "Not right now. We've cut the feed for two minutes. He won't notice. In his mind, the fun is over for this round." Concern filled his deep green eyes. "I'm so sorry Vale."

The dam holding Vale in one piece burst at his gentle tone. It was never cruelty that broke her, but tenderness, kindness. It felt so undeserved. Especially now with her hands covered in blood.

She fell into Dash's arms and began to cry. He winced as she slammed into his chest, but held her tightly, keeping the broken pieces of her together. "I thought I could do this..." She whispered into the darkness. "I thought it would be a bunch of stupid parties. Trying to control my anger... Struggling to be pointlessly polite."

Vale leaned back and glared up at Dash. "Why didn't you tell me!" She balled the front of his shirt into two fist fulls. "You let me come here... thinking the worst would be not knowing what honorific to give!"

Dash was silent as Vale gripped his shirt tighter, angry tears running down her face. "Sky just sits there. Watching it all like it's okay... Like it's normal to watch these games... While we all try to kill each other."

"I didn't know..." Dash's voice was uneven and deathly quiet. "Sky told me when we were younger about the competitions. But all he told me was how cutthroat they were." He winced at his own word choice.

"You didn't think to take it literally?" Vale hissed.

"I didn't push him for details. I would have done everything in my power to keep you from this place if I had known..." He shook his head, eyes angry. "I would take you now if I thought you would go."

Vale wiped her eyes, too tired, too be embarrassed by the tears. "I can't leave Sky here. Especially after what I've seen."

"Then take this," Dash said, pulling a cord away from his neck and placing it around Vale's throat, his breath tickling her collar as he adjusted the cord around her. "It's a last resort gift from Mortem." Dash stood and helped Vale to her feet.

"If you don't think you can find the control room in the next week, Mortem wants you to plant this at the center of the Devinus Castle and run. Seven days from now, at midnight. You plant that gear, twist it three times and you will have eight minutes to get Sky and get out." Dash shook his head. "This needs to end Vale."

"Will that be enough? We need to fix the problem, not..." She waved her arm around in a vague gesture. "...blow it up and hope things get better."

Dash fought a smile at her dramatic arm flail. "It will weaken things. That should buy us time if plan A fails."

"I can stay longer."

"The risk of Kebar killing you is TOO HIGH. You can't stay one step ahead of him forever."

Vale bit back several protests. She didn't want to risk Mortem tearing in after her if she refused to come out. The idea of Kebar having Mortem, one of the most valuable Tradesmen as a prisoner, was enough to get her to nod in a defeated agreement.

"Do we need to catch our own ride when it's time to go?" she asked.

Dash gave her a mischievous smirk and crossed his arms. "Now what kind of Traveler do you take Mortem for? He'll be there ready with a dramatic exit. Just make it to the ship in time."

Vale nodded and looked in the direction of the fading light. They were nearly out of time.

"How's your leg?" Dash asked, gesturing to her thigh.

Lightning Bringer: (Lighting Seeker Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now