Cape of Silk

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Making an entrance was something Vale had become known for. Between her metal arm, and her ability to electrocute everything around her, people tended to pay her notice. But nothing— not the Masquerade nor the fight on the bridge with the AI's, brought her an audience quite as large as the one at the Devinus Castle.

Especially when she landed in a crouch, parachute fluttering to the ground behind her, glistening in the afternoon sun like a breathtaking cape of silk. Her large, pale green victorian dress, blooming out around her. Vale's night-black hair lay in delicate ringlets, held in a ribbon at the nape of her neck. After Ace had added layer upon layer of spray, her hair still held a semblance of delicate grace.

Vale was crouched in the large courtyard used for announcements at the center of the castle entrance. A thousand girls dressed in elegant ballgowns stood around her, staring, mouth agape. At the front of the crowd stools Kebar, his eyes flickering with rage and surprise. 

Next to him stood Sky. He held Vale in place for a moment, erasing the crowd around them with his twin sky eyes. His lips quirked into a small, amused grin for a flash before his face returned to a neutral expression. He looked away, releasing Vale from his spell.

The world rushed back to her, reminding Vale of the eyes glaring into her from every side. The crowd did not seem to enjoy the sudden, and uncivilized interruption. Vale lowered her eyes and offered a shy smile, playing the part. Taking up the sides of her dress, she lowered into a curtsy. "Forgive my sudden arrival."

She stood up tall, her shoulders back, eyes on Kebar. "I have come to join the competition." Vale lowered her head again. "That is, if you will have me, your highness Devinus."

Angry and curious murmurs erupted from the crowd around her. Every girl had come for the same reason, and her sudden arrival had thrown a damper into their plans to be noticed first. Not that making a spectacle like this is wise, she reminded herself. Get in the door, then do damage control.

She waited with her head lowered, remembering Dash's lesson. She could not move until she was addressed in turn, and knowing Kebar's love of games, it could be a while. 

She was right. 

Kebar's silence continued. But the words of those around her grew loud and cruel.

"Who does she think she is?" "What is with her arm?" "Is she the rebel from the bridge?" "You can dress up a rat, but it is still a rat." "She looks more machine than girl." Their worlds were sharp, loud, and meant to wound.

But Vale could hardly hear them over the roaring in her ears. She was thankful to have a moment to herself as she stared down at the ground. Because it hid her smile. Sky, in a moment of unfiltered surprise, had been happy to see her. Had approved of her dramatic and reckless entrance, and that was enough to keep her calm and focused as the silence from Kebar grew to deafening heights.

"Do you truly believe you stand a chance?" Kebar asked, his soft voice ripping through the noise and silencing everyone with a few words.

Vale chose her next words carefully. She knew what Kebar intended. He was putting a target on her back. If she answered in her normal fashion, she couldn't expect to last a few hours before the others found a way to destroy her. However, if she played aloof, it would look like she viewed the entire thing as a game that didn't deserve to be taken seriously.

Vale lifted her head and stared directly at Sky. She took in his golden hair, seemingly woven of the sun itself, his ocean eyes, wild one moment and calm the next, his strong jaw that had tempted her far too many times to with a strong urge to kiss the edges, and his lips which had filled her thoughts in the late moments when she had allowed her mind to rest on him. 

She felt her cheeks go pink and didn't shy away from it. She allowed her feelings to show. "I believe that love is a powerful force." A murmur filled the crowd as girls whispered, staring between her and Sky.

"And that is why you are here?" Kebar asked, seeming amused as he glanced at his grandson. Sky stared back at Vale, his face stone. No hint of having heard her words. No clue that they had any effect on him.

"Yes," she replied quietly.

"And if you were to win his hand..." Kebar moved off the small platform and walked through the crowd that parted before him, reaching Vale and blocking off her sight of Sky for a moment. "Would you be willing to let go of all previous ties..." 

He towered over her, his arrogance and aggressive stance forcing Vale to lean back to take in his full height. "To follow the laws of the previous Devinus and hold everything we stand for, teaching those that come after you to do the same?"

The courtyard had gone silent. Vale swore that everyone could hear the hammering of her heart, the roaring in her ears. Vale looked past Kebar and found Sky at the edge of the stage, looking for all the world like a boy on the edge of a cliff. A cliff she had to save him from. Even with his attempt to look like a boy carved of stone, unmoving, unflinching, unfeeling, he showed a slight hint of fear. "For Sky, I would do anything."

Kebar chuckled darkly, amused by the turn of events. Her goal had been to become interesting in his eyes, and for a moment, she had succeeded. Turning, he addressed his grandson. "And what do you make of this girl's declaration of love my dear boy?"

Sky held up his hands, signing a quick flurry of words before turning and walking through the front doors of the castle without an explanation. The crowd began to whisper again. 

Kebar held up his hand. "No need to worry. I believe this girl can... translate his words." Kebar motioned to everyone around her. "Tell us what he said. What does he make of your desire?"

Vale's heart dropped. Her voice quavered slightly as she spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. "He said, 'Do what you wish dear Grandfather. It makes no difference to me whether she goes or stays.'" 

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